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After Rebirth I Married My EX- Husband's (Enemy Laurel) novel Chapter 265

Chapter 265 Court Hearing (3

In the courtroom

Several people appeared in court one after another to testify

Including all relevant personnel from the Lambert Group who have been involved in handling this contract, as well as the individuals involved in privately processing the contract’s financial transactions

Even the Director of the Department of City Planning appeared in court and confirmed all the details of his bribery

The evidence was very substantial

The human evidence was very abundant

The charges of tax evasion and bribery against Irvin were basically proven

Everyone felt that the outcome of this lawsuit had already been determined

In the eyes of the people, Irvin using inexperienced Hayden to fight the lawsuit definitely meant giving up. This represents that Irvin definitely committed a crime

In a solemn and quiet courtroom

The prosecutor’s lawyer returned to his position

The judge said to Hayden, Please defend the prosecution’s allegations on behalf of the defendant’s lawyer.” 

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Thank you, Your Honor,Hayden stood up from his position

Everyone focused their gaze on Hayden, and no one believed that Hayden would actually go to court

Lawyers need experience, not just theoretical knowledge to take up the position

At this moment in the courtroom, at least half of the people were waiting to see Hayden’s joke

People thought that he had been too arrogant and too conceited during this period of time

People expected to see Hayden make a fool of himself

Bruno clearly waited to see Hayden fail

After Hayden stood up, there was indeed silence for several 


He looked towards the audience

He was obviously looking for someone

At that moment, Laurel was actually a little nervous

She was not unwilling to believe Hayden, but at such a crucial moment, she couldn’t help but worry

Laurel and Hayden locked eyes

Oh my God,Shelley suddenly said beside me, Why do I feel like he was confessing his love to you?” 

Laurel looked back


Chapter 265 Coun Hearing(

Hayden’s eyes were very affectionate

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In the courtroom, Hayden turned around and spoke in the court, Your Honor, I plead not guilty on behalf of my client.” 

Hayden said firmly

The whole audience was in an uproar

Everyone probably didn’t expect Hayden to say such things

Irvin’s criminal acts have been confirmed

How could Hayden dare to say that

Many lawyersspeeches were very bold

Lawyers should not be afraid of being challenged by others

But few people were as arrogant as Hayden

No one knew if Hayden would feel ashamed if he failed

Quiet!the judge spoke sternly

Those mocking voices gradually quieted down

Please continue, defense attorney.” 

Yes,” Hayden said respectfully

He spoke to the judge, Just now, the informant Konan Wollen stated the reasons for reporting our party. However, to my knowledge, the Lambert Group’s construction projects mostly procure construction materials directly from the Lambert Group. In other words, only a small portion of the 

construction materials are provided by contractors. As for the 

Chapter 265 Court Hearing(

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contracting fees for Marigold Estates, it amounts to 132.8 million dollars. I have thoroughly checked the materials that the contractor needs to purchase, and even if we use the highest quality materials available on the market, it would not exceed 48 million dollars. Therefore, there is an element of exaggeration in the statement made by the informant Konan.” 

I didn’t exaggerate. The construction cost doesn’t only cover the purchase of materials, but also includes workerswages, daily expenses, and many more! Do you really think that the construction cost of 132.8 million dollars is my pure profit?Konan retorted passionately, with a hint of sarcasm

Hayden glanced at Konan. Mr. Wollen, please refrain from speaking until you are given the floor.” 

Please control your emotions, the court requires you to remain silent until you are allowed to speak,” the judge said. sternly

Konan looked at the judge and nodded. Yes.” 

Hayden continued, The above is my first doubt about this case. The second is that I just saw the private bribery agreement signed between Konan and our client, as well as the private contract agreement signed between Victor and our client. Both of these agreements only have signatures, without official seals and fingerprints. However, Article 32, Section 5 of the Lexingcester Contract Law clearly states that contracts without official seals and personal fingerprints cannot be considered legally valid contracts. Therefore, we believe that these two contracts cannot be presented as evidence in court.” 

The judge concluded, Contracts without official seals and 

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fingerprints cannot be considered valid contracts, but it is not sufficient to prove the defendant’s innocence.” 

Hayden did not refute

He respectfully said, Your Honor, may I ask the informant at few questions?” 


He turned around and faced Konan

Konan looked at Hayden, and couldn’t help but feel a little anxious

Konan kept herself calm

Konan heard that Hayden was not a professional lawyer, so he didn’t have to be afraid


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