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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 247

Alpha Asher by Jane Doe Chapter 247

Tessa & Zeke

Six Years Later Tessa’s P.O.V.

“What do you say we wrap up early and head out to the cabin-just the two of us?”

A voice I spent the last six years memorizing called out from across the room. I lifted my head. from the mountain of paperwork I was sorting through, a smile already tugging at my lips as I spotted the playful light shimmering in Zeke’s eyes.

My mate and fiancé-a term I couldn’t seem to stop using-was peering at me from across our shared office, a shameless grin tugging at his velvet soft lips. I drummed my fingers across the top of the desk, tapping out a pattern that filled the silence between us.

A jolt of electricity crackled along my skin, delving past my flesh to settle in my stomach. Once upon a time, I couldn’t bare more than a few seconds staring into those eyes of his. Now I couldn’t seem to get enough.

We’d come so far from where we’d once been. Not as far as Ember and Brandon, who had a sea of troubles even six years later, but those two were another story entirely.

I pursed my lips, tapping the end of the pen I held against my lip. Zeke tracked the movement with a slight tilt to his head. His nostrils flared with desire and I knew if I didn’t answer soon he’d close the distance between us, fall to his knees at the foot of my desk, and burrow his up my pencil skirt as he had nearly a hundred times now.


“Hmm, that does sound fun. Too bad you won’t be going anywhere until those peace treaties are signed. Better get on that, Alpha.” I giggled, my cheeks warming when a husky growl slid past his lips. He always did love when I used his title.

Admittedly, I enjoyed when he used mine as well. Only, instead of a pang of lust, I was greeted with a swell of pride.

Tessa, the first Witch to ever be named a Luna.

Our cabin was anything but modest, which I should’ve expected when Zeke presented it to me four years ago. It had a rustic quality I adored with its stone fireplaces and hand carved interior, but it’s three stories and plethora of floor-to-ceiling windows gave it the same feel as a woodsy mansion. It could’ve been a card board box for all I cared, though. The cabin held a place in my heart that could never be replaced.

It was where Zeke and I shared our many firsts.

The very forest where he wrapped me in his arms and promised me in a whispered voice that I’d never again be alone-that he and all of our friends would forever be my family. The front porch where he kissed me for the first time, followed by the fire pit out back, where we watched the stars wink into existence in the sky before he sank onto one knee and promised me the world.

The bed where I gave him my heart and my body, and received something so very precious in return.

Speaking of something precious, the mark on my neck tingled at the thought of our cabin and the memories associated with it. No amount of strength or magic could force me to tear my

attention away from Zeke. More and more these days I found myself lost in the past, marveling at how far we’d come and at how much things had changed.

This was my future–he was my future.

Zeke’s scratched his signature across countless peace treaties, all of which Asher had sent our way after personally reviewing himself. Even doing something as mundane as paperwork, his hair falling over his forehead as he scowled in concentration, Zeke was utterly breathtaking.

To think just six years ago I was a breath away from rejecting him, from passing up on all of this. I couldn’t fathom the reality that beneath his playful exterior, there was a man with a heart of gold. One fiercely protective of those he loved, willing to do anything-absolutely anything to help them.

When my mom and Dad were murdered, I thought Ember was all I had left in this world. She was who I confided in, who I took solace in. Despite how the years had hardened us, there was this gaping wound in my chest that longed for a family-for a network of people who loved. me and enjoyed having me around.

While I still love Ember with my entire heart, no matter how troublesome she can be, I’d finally found the family I’d been searching my entire life for. And while she still won’t admit it, I know she had too.

Lost in the dreams of the past, a heavy knock to our office door pulled me back to the present. It opens just a hair before Brandon’s head appears in the gap, his hair just as unruly and overgrown as Zeke’s.

“Got a couple someone’s here wanting a word with the Alpha and Luna.” He drawled; lips tilted in a lopsided grin.

“Send them in.” Zeke called out, not looking up from his paperwork.

Meeting Brandon’s eyes and seeing the light that shone within them, a light my sister of all people cultivated, I smiled. “Thank you, Beta.”

“My pleasure.” He said with a tip of his head.

Clearly, I wasn’t the only one enjoying my title. It only made sense with Ember taking over this division’s Magisterium that Zeke name Brandon his Beta. The shift that occurred when. letting Witches and Vampire’s into the world of Wolves was one some found hard to swallow. Zeke’s previous Beta was one of the many that couldn’t fathom a world of peace.

Chapter 247 1

Chapter 247 2


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