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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 53

  "You have to the count of five to run before I come after you and rip your head off of that conniving body of yours." Joseph's eyes widen once again in terror, he takes a step back and falls on his behind as he stumbles on a small root above the earthen ground.

  Quickly he stands as he sees Asher near him. "1-" Asher begins to count, he growls and moves slowly towards him.

  Quickly, Joseph turns his body and makes a run for it. "2, 3, 4" Asher shouts his counting as Joseph makes a run for the forest. Running across, and past many trees. He knows he may be able to outrun him if he shifts to his lycan form, and as he nears a small creek, he swiftly shifts.

  The seconds it takes him to shift is enough for Asher to catch up to him. Tackling him down to the ground with a big thud as they both scatter on the floor. Turning and tossing against each other. 

  Both growling loud, Joseph drags his long claws across with force as he tries to hurt Asher on his jaw, but he moves before he can get him, jumping behind him, giving Joseph no time to act, as he turns and is met with the hard bite to his head. 

  Before he can act, Joseph's head flies above the sky, landing by the waters. His body slowly fell to its knees and fell to the ground.

  Asher slowly walks, circling around the decapitated corpse of Joseph. He sneers, and can't help but let out a whimper and a tear escapes his eyes he reminisces about the happy moments he had with his dad.

  He slowly shifts back to his human form and walks back to meet with Alarick and the rest. His head hangs low as he exits the forest. The moonlight slowly makes his body noticeable and Elena slowly places a warm blanket around him. He wraps himself around her. Both allow themselves to cry for the reality of the loss of their father.

  "I should have gone with him that day Ella! It should have been me protecting him that day! I knew something was off, I should have followed my instincts!  I-" 

  "Shh! Dylan, it's ok. You didn't know. We both didn't know! You can't blame yourself for this. Please brother! We have to stick together. Promise me, no matter what happens, we will always stick together and look out for each other! Promise me, brother!?" She cups his face, her cheeks stained with tears mimicking his own resemblance. 

  "I promise sister! ALWAYS!!" 


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