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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 59

  Selene lays on her side on the bed shackled by her left foot to the bed on a long silver chain.

  She sighs and runs her hands through her face as she sits straight against the headboard. 

  Knock knock 

  The door creaks open, Tasha slowly pokes her head in and smiles making Selene scrunch her face in disgust. 

  "What do you want? Traitor!" She questions as Tasha slowly comes in and sets a tray of food and a glass of water on the table by the door.

  "I thought maybe you were getting hungry. You've been here for more than half a day. I know Damian likes to starve people, but I don't, ok!? so, I brought you a bite to eat, just in case you were hungry." She stares at Selene for a few seconds in silence before turning. She grasps the door knob and turns it before holding it slightly ajar to leave.

  "Wait!" Selene calls out to her as she stands with her right foot still on top of the bed.

  She turns closing the door behind her, resting against the door with her hands in the back. Her face hung low, unwilling to glance back at Selene. 

  "Look. I know you hate me. You have every reason to; But believe me if I had any other choice to have met you under different circumstances, I would of. I never-"

  "Save it. I don't need you're pathetic excuse for an apology. What you and my husband did behind my back while I was gone is out of my jurisdiction. After all, I was technically not married to him then. Even if he was my mate." She hangs her head, trying to hide her anger and frustration from Tasha as she crosses her hands over her chest.

  "I just want to know why?" She squints her eyes and looks sternly at Tasha, making Tasha's gaze turn in surprise. 

  Tasha looks at her with melancholy in her eyes. "What?" She asks softly. Her eyebrows lined and eyes glistened with tears.

  Selene stands and walks as far as the chain allows her, stopping just inches away from Tasha.

  "Don't you fucking 'what' me! Why did you betray your own pack? Why did you work against them? Why? Why would you scoop so low, you'd rather work with them? With Jazmin. With Damian. Why would you work with them to harm your own pack? Weren't you satisfied with finding your mate? Did the bond between them mean nothing, that you'd betray the pack he and you belonged to? For what? Do you really think you'll gain anything from all this?"

  Tasha's eyes water at the mentioning of Hector, her mate. At night she sneaks away to see him. Trembling and covering her mouth to muffle her cries each time she sees the vampires torturing him in a constant manner that keeps him from fully healing. 


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