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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Her lost necklace


Much to my excitement, when Amalia brought me to my intended room, Finnick was waiting for me on the other side of my door. His little face lit up with. excitement, and his normally serious gray eyes widened as he grinned at me.

“Mommy!” he exclaimed, and he rushed over to meet me. I’d half-expected him to look a little rough around the edges after our encounter with the bear in the woods, but Finnick looked perfectly healthy.

He threw his arms around me, and I fought back a sound of pain as he squeezed.

“Careful, baby,” I said softly as tears welled in my eyes. “I’m still a little sore.

“Oh,” he realized, and he let go and took a step back. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be,” I a*sured him, and then I gave him a look over. “Are you doing okay, sweetheart? I’ve been so worried about you.”


“I’m better now, Mommy,” he a*sured me, and he gave me a tiny smile. “I was a little scared at first, but after I took a warm bath and got some new clothes, I was feeling better.”

Suddenly, a strange look crossed his face, and he noticed my bandages.

“Are you okay?” he whispered, and he gently touched my arm.

“I’m okay,” I a*sured him, and I carefully lowered myself down to his level. “Can I tell you a secret?”

Finnick nodded.

“I was a little scared too,” I admitted. “But Marley patched me right up and gave

me some medicine. I should be just fine in a little bit. I’m just going to need some rest and a lot of love from my favorite person,”

“Me?” Finnick asked excitedly, and when I nodded, his smile grew wider.

“You’re my favorite person, too,” he said.

After we shared another careful hug, I rose to my feet, and Finnick gave me a tour of the room. It was incredibly sp acious and painted a lovely deep green. The floors were a rich dark wood, and two canopied beds rested in the corner, just next to a floor-length window. The curtains were drawn, and the beautiful light of the sunset danced on the ground.

My stomach rumbled a little.

“Are you hungry, Mommy?” Finnick asked.

“A little,” I admitted.

Amalia cleared her throat.

“Alpha Gareth was inquiring if you’d like to join him for dinner?” she asked, and I considered the request for a moment.

“Would it be alright if I ate here with my son?” I asked. “My b*dy aches pretty badly, and I haven’t seen him since last night.”

“Of course,” Amalia replied. “The Alpha will be fine to accommodate you. I will bring you dinner here.”

“Thank you, Amalia,” I said.

The maid smiled at me and then disappeared from the room. Once the door had closed behind her, I gestured to the pair of armchairs in the room.


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