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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 198

Chapter 198 Imminent misfortune



As I rushed out of the room, my head ached and my equilibrium was thrown off. was still immensely dizzy from whatever Adalyn had given me, despite the intidote she had administered.

The hall was empty, and I was certain that she had made some kind of an excuse to keep any onlookers or curious military officials from checking in on me.

I released a heavy breath in annoyance. I felt so st upid to think the Betas were under control, but this was far beyond my expectations.

What had made Oliver do this?

Was he planning on a war?

As far as I knew, even though Oliver had support from the councilors, he had no absolute power as a usurper. Unless, of course, he had an accomplice.

I shook my head in frustration.

I couldn’t believe it had come to this.

I knew the Beta was untrustworthy, but I hadn’t expected something like this to happen, not now.

Without another moment of hesitation, I fought my dizziness and went straight to the lieutenant’s office. I knocked on the door, and the moment I heard him call out “Come in!”, I opened it and walked into the room.

The lieutenant seemed surprised to see me. His blue eyes were wide with shock and he rushed to his feet quickly.

“Your Majesty,” he greeted me, and then he offered me a bow of respect. “How





Chapter 198 Imminent misfortune

are you feeling? Lady Adalyn told me you fainted. We brought you to a quiet room to recover. Did you manage to get some rest?”

Though his words and tone were kind and flattering, I wasn’t interested in making small talk on my wife’s behalf. I was annoyed that she’d spun such an untrue story, but unsurprised in the least. Adalyn was a snake and would do anything to get her way.

“Where is Silas?” I demanded, my tone icy.

The lieutenant appeared nervous and his lower lip quivered once before he cleared his throat. “I-I don’t know where the Lord Beta is, Your Majesty.”

As much as I was dissatisfied with his answer, I couldn’t blame him, because he had no right to interfere in the Beta’s business or his whereabouts.

I didn’t respond. It was suspicious that Silas wasn’t around, but there was a chance that he had been drugged by Adalyn as well. He could very well be hidden away somewhere in the compound. But I had my doubts and was concerned that he was involved in all of this too. If so, things would be much more complicated. I had

trusted him, but at the end of the day, he was a Moses. There was always a possibility that he was wrapped up in the family business.

As my mind swam with the possibilities, the lieutenant cautiously studied me and cleared his throat again.

“Is something wrong, Your Majesty?” he wondered.

I turned to him and then shook my head. “No. Nothing’s wrong, lieutenant. I was simply curious.”

There was no need for him to know what happened, as it would likely cause unwanted problems. I couldn’t risk anyone on the military base interfering with whatever the Beta family was up to. I needed to conduct myself carefully to ensure things didn’t escalate further, if they hadn’t already.

I gave the lieutenant a polite nod and then left the office without another word. When my head continued to spin, I took a moment to lean against the wall, and




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