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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 215

Chapter 215
How many times do I need to tell you that these things are not magic-related Ravers huffed, and she rolled her eyes in annoyance. She tucked a strand of her wavy black hair behind her ear and shook her head slowly
I frowned at her as irritation bloomed within me. “Are you sure abe

“One hundred percent” the replied without misting a bear and then she grumbled. Where did you find all of these things? All of these women’s clothes and makeup. are you some kind of a pervert: Why would you think any of this is related to
1 cast aside my anger at being spoken to in such a reckless and casual manner and focused on the girl’s answer instead. Nothing was related to magie+
That couldn’t be true. Cas sandra was the only one Eminem Keller had connected with in all of these years. For him to have left no trace at all made no verae,
I exchanged a glance with Anubis. His black eyes adat seem all that convinced either, so I turned back to Haven.
“What about the necklace? I demanded codly as I stared down at the moonstone pendant with a look of scrutiny. It glinted in the light tempting my brain with the possibilities.
But Raven thook her head. “I think it’s just some form of amulet with no magical power. I will say that I noticed something on the necklace. There’s a tiny bol on the back of the stone that’s interesting?
“A symb repeated back as my eyebrows creased together “Asymbol of what?”
Raven rolled her eyes again, even more annoyed than before
“How should I know!” the asked, and en the let out a small sigh and evened out her harth tone, as if the remembered who she was speaking to. It seems to be a symbol of an old family, arrest or something. Perhaps like the ones I’ve seen in stories
about the South-”
She suddenly paused for a moment and then narrowed her eyes. Then, as if she realized something she gasped and gave me a strange look
“Are these Ca ssandra’s things she questioned in alarm.
This time it was my turn to roll my eyes. I didn’t answer her and instead anked a question of my own. “Do you have a clear picture of the symbolt”
Raven nodded and then handed me a piece of paper. A large image spanned across the paper, and I tilted my head as i examined it.
Sure enough, it did seem like a symbol of one of the prestigious Houses in Anemond. I’d seen the symbol of Moses quite a few times when Ed conversed with Oliver, but this one didn’t seem as magnificent as their
So, whose House did this belong tor
“Anubis, fetch the encyclopedia about Wegalla” 1 demanded. Normally, he responded to my orders with a good deal of hesitation, Et my tone must have been serious enough for him to spring into actions immediately
Raven watched him leave in a hurry and lifted a dark eyebro
“Does the necklace belong to Cas sandra as well the asked a moment later
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11:45 Fri, Feb 23
Chapter 215
Again, I didn’t answer. It was none of her business, and I didn’t care to explain my affairs with her anyway. Though she was intelligent, she was the more difficult of the twins, and I much preferred to converse with Roxy.
When I didn’t reply, Raven scoffed and spoke quietly.
“So, you are a pervert then,” she remarked with a look of disgust. “My sister would be heartbroken if she knew.”
I sighed and crossed my arms against my chest. Raven wasn’t done, though.
“Why are you so intent on finding out if Cas sandra is involved with sorcery?” she asked the “Obviously, she isn’t a
“It’s none of your business,” I cut her off before she could start rambling again, and 1 narrowed my eyes at her. “I want you to focus on your research, Raven. Everything else is my concern, not yours.”
Raven shrugged, not intimidated by me at all, but still compliant. “Alright. I will. You’re right, it isn’t my business.”
Arabis returned a little while later with the encyclopedia in his arms. It was a heavy tome and though he was strong, he seemed to struggle with the cumbersome book. He set it down on the table carefully and sighed.
We had used the book on numerous occasions to learn all about Wegalla. It had all of the names of their high-ranking families, from the kings to the mayors of the smallest territories. There were plenty of families, but very few were allowed to have a symbol. Only those who made contributions to the establishment of the country had crests and were considered the most important
It didn’t take too long for me to find the symbol in the book. Just as my suspicions confirmed, it wasn’t a symbol of Felix, but instead, belonged to a family called Garcia. It seemed to be a relatively smaller family compared to other large names book, and there wasn’t as much information about them. It only said that the family was well-known for its wealth. The members were good at business and had financially supported the first king of Wegalla.
I assumed that was why they had the honor to be given a symbol
I skimmed the surrounding pages, but nothing else was mentioned about them. Frustration flooded my mind as I scoured the words, but there was nothing more. I didn’t understand. Why would a symbol of the Garcia family be engraved on the necklace? What did a lower-ranking family’s crest have to do with any of this?
Before I could get too annoyed, I turned to Anubis. “Do you remember anything about the Garcias?”
He frowned and contemplated for a moment. Then, his expression changed completely. His black eyes widened and he gulped heavily.
“I wasn’t completely off,” he said quietly, and then he cleared his throat and spoke at a normal volume. “Garcia is indeed. related to the Felixes. Not just related… a Garcia married a Felix. Darrin Felix. His wife was named Garcia before they were. married.”
My eyebrows shot up in surprise at this revelation, and 1 broke out into a broad smile before I could stop myself. It was like I had finally discovered a missing piece to a difficult puzzle.
Everything had finally started to make sense.
This mystery I’d been working so tirelessly to solve was finally reaching an end.
As silence lingered in the room, Raven seemed confused and glanced between me and the book. When I didn’t pay her any mind, she turned to Anubis and tugged on a lock of her dark ha
“Is Felix the notorious traitor family that had been executed by the king of Wegalla?” she asked him, and then she frowned.
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11:45 Fri, Feb 23
Chapter 215
“And what do they have to do with Cas sandra’s things? I don’t understand what’s going on here.”
As her question hung in the air, I glanced down at the picture of the symbol, and my fingers tight
I wanted to laugh.
Given these new findings, perhaps it wasn’t proper to call the healer Cas sandra anymore.
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