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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Reunion with her nanny


I could only blame myself for my own carelessness. Finnick’s eyes. Why hadn’t I found a better excuse for their coloring, and why had I let myself tense up so much when the Alpha King had inquired about them?

I should have been more prepared, more calm… but everything about Asher Collins’ presence set every nerve in my b*dy on fire. I was a deer, cornered by his steel-like gaze.

I couldn’t even keep my grip on a simple teacup. When it shattered all over the floor of the king’s study, I found myself wishing I’d shattered with it to avoid the embarra*sment of facing him.

“I’m so sorry, Your Majesty!” I cried, and then I lept to my feet and started collecting the pieces from the floor. All the while, my forehead broke out in sweat, and heat spread through my cheeks. This was beyond mortifying.

“It’s okay,” Asher muttered as I cleaned around the room. “It was an accident.”

Yet, his tone said otherwise. I’d made a huge mistake. I’d broken palace property and probably burned the Alpha King’s skin with my carelessness.

“You don’t need to do that, Healer Ca ssandra,” Asher said as he dabbed at his shirt. “A s rvant will sort that out.”

I rose to my feet instantly and then bowed my head.


“My apologies,” I said quietly. I set the shards down on an empty part of the table and then brushed my hands on my trousers before I sat back down. Beside me, Finnick looked flabbergasted, and I couldn’t blame him. I wasn’t conducting myself properly at all, and I hoped he wasn’t too embarra*sed by my actions.

“Are you okay, Mommy?” he whispered, and I nodded my head and patted him

on the shoulder.

Asher sighed and then stood and walked over to his desk. He reached into a drawer and retrieved a bell. He rang it three times and then replaced it in the drawer. Once he was finished, he sat back down on the leather sofa and crossed his


He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could utter another word the doors to the study opened, and a maid entered the room.

She approached Asher quickly and then bowed. “At your service, Your Majesty.”

Asher wordlessly gestured to the floor, and the maid spotted the shards immediately. She gave the Alpha King a small nod and then got to work cleaning.

“I’m so sorry,” I apologized as she dusted the floor. “My hands slipped-”

“There’s no need to apologize, miss,” the maid replied. “It’s my job to clean.”

She smiled up at me, and suddenly, realization crashed over me. This maid wasn’t just any maid.

She was Erika.

My former nanny.

My mother had died when I was young, and my father had been a busy Ga mma in the king’s service, so, he hired a nanny to look after me and my brother Ector while he was away working. Erika was a perfect match for us. She was kind-hearted and caring, and we loved her as if she was another member of the family. When we grew up, Erika remained one of our maids.

Eriká had meant the world to me.

But after my father had been imprisoned and my brother had been banished, the house of my family had been sealed up. Erika had been dismissed and forced to leave. I’d wanted to hire her as my private maid in Rosepetal, but back then, the Beta’s family, along with the others in court, wanted the Alpha King to execute me.

Asher was doing his best to clear my father’s name, but it was of no use. I couldn’t let Erika get involved in the mess. She was too kind and dear to me to risk. getting hurt.

I hadn’t seen Erika in five years, but her smile was just as sweet as always.

She was older now, and her dark blonde hair was streaked with a few grays, but her hazel eyes were brighter than ever.

I wanted to talk to her, cry with her. I hadn’t been able to share my sorrow with anyone after my father’s death. I knew Erika would have understood and offered me. a shoulder to lean on. She would soothe me and tell me that it would all be okay.

But Erika didn’t know me now. I wasn’t Cora anymore.

Besides, she wouldn’t recognize me anyway, and even if she did, things weren’t safe. So, I pushed my sadness down and just smiled back.


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