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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 56

Chapter 56 He needs alcohol


“What’s the matter, Asher?” Adalyn demanded as she followed me into my study. “What exactly has gotten into you tonight?”

I fought back a groan as I approached one of the leather couches in the corner. Alcohol had plagued me just a little and my head swam with a mixture of drunkenness and agitation.

“Nothing is wrong,” I sighed as a heavy exhale escaped me “Go back to the banquet, Adalyn. I just need some time alone-”

“Time alone?” Adalyn repeated back in confusion and she shook her head. “Time alone for what, Asher? We have guests downstairs to entertain, in case. you’ve forgotten. We’re supposed to be welcoming the king of Yurene and his diplomats. I don’t think this is making too great of an impression of Wegalla.”

“Don’t tell me what I’m doing wrong,” I managed to say as my head pounded angrily. “I’m fully aware of what’s going on down there. I don’t think our guests care if I step away for a moment-”

“I bet Ca ssandra Keller cares,” my wife blurted out, and I whipped around to glare at her.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I challenged her.

“You seem to care a little too much about that healer and what she thinks,” she

seethed, and she crossed her arms against her chest. “I don’t understand what’s going on with you. You’ve never lost control like that in public, not ever. What was that little outburst in the banquet hall about?”

As Adalyn’s golden eyes shot daggers in my direction, I couldn’t help but wonder if she was right..

Did I care too much about Ca ssandra Keller and her whereabouts?

“I just… I don’t care for the king of Yurene,” I remarked as I fought to find an explanation. “Something about him doesn’t sit right with me. He’s arrogant, lofty…”

As my words trailed off, Adalyn remained silent but continued to glare at me angrily. As she continued to watch me, Kane’s words sparked back in my mind. Was my stepbrother right? Was she jealous?

“You should go back to the banquet,” I advised her with a wave of my hand. “I’ll see you later-”

“No,” Adalyn cut me off, and she took a step toward me. “I would rather stay here with you-”

As she advanced closer, I instinctively took a step back. Her hand raised like she was going to reach out toward me, but I rebuffed her. Adalyn’s red-painted lower lip trembled and for a moment, she looked as if she was going to cry, but then

she raised her chin slightly.

“know you brought back that woman because she’s a capable healer,” she said. “But I have a feeling that there’s more to the story than that. I think you’ve either crossed a line or you’re toeing the edge. Whatever the truth is… I think Marco would be very disappointed if you had any sort of relations with her.”

“Relations…” I murmured and then I turned away.

Adalyn was no stranger to these kinds of accusations. Whenever a woman even tried to hold my attention, even just a simple conversation, Adalyn threw a fit and tried to play at my emotions by bringing up Marco. Sometimes, she even brought Marco with her, as if his presence was going to further any suspected guilt.

Normally, I would find some kind of way to a*sure her or cast aside these. accusations. But tonight, I was exhausted. My head was throbbing with pain and my entire b*dy ached.

“You know, Asher, Marco often asks me why we don’t live together,” Adalyn pressed when I didn’t respond, and when I glanced over at her, her eyes were


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