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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Back to her nightmare


My lip quivered as I searched for an explanation, and Asher rose from his seat. However, just as the Alpha King took a step toward us, the sleeping prince’s eyes


“Daddy?” the young boy managed. “What happened?”

Asher seemed to forget about us completely and turned his full attention to hist son. He squatted down beside the boy and took his hand.

“You’re awake,” he said in relief. “Oh, thank goodness. Do you feel any better


His tone was gentle, something I’d never heard from him before. Or perhaps I had, but the memories were buried now.

The young prince nodded and smiled at his father. “I feel better now, Daddy…”

“Do you remember what happened?” Asher asked quietly and when the boy shook his head, he sighed. “That’s alright. What’s important is that you’re safe and- feeling better than before. I’m so relieved.”

As he held his son’s hand, I noticed Finnick gazing at them longingly. It tugged at my heartstrings, but there was nothing I could do except get the both of us away

from here.

“We need to go,” I whispered, and I carefully took his hand in mine. Finnick’s eyes flashed, and for a moment, he appeared as if he wanted to say something more to Asher, but instead he just nodded. I knew he was still curious about why the Alpha King had the same eye color as him, but he was smart enough to know when it was time to quit asking questions. I knew he would probably bring it up on the way home, but I would deal with it then.


For now, I needed to leave Asher Collins to his Pack and go back to living my

own life.

“Your Majesty, may I leave with my son?” I asked Asher politely.

The Alpha King ignored me.

“Daddy, who is she?” the prince asked with a confused look in his eyes. “And who is this boy? Why are they here in our room?”

His lips pouted slightly, and for a moment, I was reminded of Adalyn. She used to pout in the exact same way, and it drove me crazy even back then.

Adalyn Moses was the daughter of the Beta and came from one of the most. prestigious families in all of Anemond. Once she took an interest in something, she would do anything to win it, no matter what it took. Clothes, fine jewelry, and even

love. She seized it all like she was entitled to it.

It appeared that her and Asher had spoiled their son in the same way. Even though I’d saved his very life, the boy glared at me as if I were some kind of peasant


It took all of my being to not be offended by the child’s actions. While I hated entitlement and had tried to raise my son to know better, the prince was young. Hopefully he would learn differently in time.

“That’s the healer,” Asher answered, and after he brushed the prince’s hair away

from his forehead. “She took care of you.”

The intimate action took me by surprise. Asher wasn’t one to show affection, at least he hadn’t been back then. But he was clearly different now.

“Oh his son remarked, but he didn’t seem too impressed. “What did she heal

-me from? I don’t understand.”

“You were bitten by a viper,” Finnick spoke up helpfully.

“Shh,” I whispered, and I rested my hand on his shoulder. “Finnick!”


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