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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 83

Chapter 83 Stolen


We left Asher’s study immediately, and the moment we set foot in the hallway, the guards stationed outside both glanced at each other in alarm.

“Is everything all right, Your Majesty?” one asked as he studied the Alpha King’s expression. To his credit, Asher was looking slightly exhausted. His dark circles were far more present than they’d been in the past week. As the illness was affecting him more and more, his physical appearance began to look more sickly. He was still as handsome as ever, but it was evident he wasn’t sleeping much these days.

“I’m fine,” Asher answered him politely. “I’ll return shortly. I’m going accompany Healer Ca ssandra on an errand. Remain here.”


“Yes, Your Majesty,” the guard replied obediently, and after he offered Asher a nod, the Alpha King turned to me and gestured forward.

“Let’s go,” he said, and then we made our way down the hall.

Our walk down to the royal library was silent, and I once again found myself surprised that Asher was entertaining this theory of mine. I hadn’t expected him to go along with this, but I was grateful that he was giving my idea the time of day.

When we entered the building, the librarian rose to her feet and bowed to the Alpha King. “Y-your Majesty,” she stammered. “I didn’t expect to see you here. Is there anything I can help you with?”

“Yes,” Asher replied simply. “Healer Ca ssandra and I would like to take a look in the private room if you don’t mind. Could you unlock it for us?”

“Of course,” the librarian said, and she offered the king a brilliant smile. “Let me find the keys and I’ll let you in. The library is empty today, so you’ll have all the privacy you need.”


Asher nodded. “Perfect.”

The librarian rooted around in her desk, and after she pushed her gla*ses up the bridge of her nose and ran a hand through her white-blonde hair, she approached the door and held it open for us.

We beelined toward the room, and as we got closer, my heart dropped, along with my jaw.

“What in the world…” Asher trailed off.

We stopped in our tracks and took in the sight of the disheveled room.

The entire place had been trashed. Books littered the ground, some spine-down, others completely ripped up. The shelves were off-kilter, and the desk had been overturned.

“The box,” I breathed, and I rushed into the room. I maneuvered around the piles of discarded books until I reached the back. The large wooden box was still there, but it was wide open. I peered inside the trunk-like vessel, but much to my shock, it was empty.

“What happened here?” Asher demanded, and all of the color faded from the

librarian’s face.

“I… I don’t know,” she admitted as she shook her head in shock. “This room is usually locked, Your Majesty. In fact, no one’s been in here lately other than Miss Ca ssandra, and the last time she was here, everything was normal. I’m just as confused as you are.”

Asher stepped into the room and began to inspect it all. His eyes darted in every direction, and suddenly he stopped.

“There are some footprints back here,” he said, and we rushed over to join him. Sure enough, beyond the stacks, there was a set of muddy footprints leading from the windowsill.

“Someone broke in,” I realized as I followed the trail with my eyes.

“They must have done it yesterday,” Asher added. “It was raining all day.”


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