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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 87

Chapter 87 Caught him


Adalyn’s eyes widened at the commotion and she sprang into action. She rose from her seat, swept Marco into her arms, and backed away from the table.

“What’s going on?” she demanded, and she looked between Erika and me. “Something doesn’t make sense here. Are… are you trying to kill me?” Her tone grew more shrill with every word and her b*dy began to tremble. I didn’t know what to say, but I knew I had to say something quickly. Arguing with Adalyn didn’t matter. All I wanted was for Lancel to catch whoever was eavesdropping on

“Answer me, healer!” Adalyn shouted when I didn’t reply.

“Lady Adalyn, if I wanted you to die, I wouldn’t have stopped you from drinking that tea,” I pointed out to her as I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

Adalyn’s face contorted, but she didn’t have any other argument to make She held Marco close and rushed out of the room. I had half a mind to stop her and beg her to stay here in the chamber. It could be dangerous out there if the guards were trying to catch whoever was spying on us. But it was no use.

Adalyn Moses listened to no one.

My eyes fell on Erika, who appeared as if she were going to faint. All of the color had left her cheeks and her chest heaved as she fought to catch her breath. I

rushed over to her and held my arm out to steady her.

“Erika!” I gasped as she nearly fell over.

“Oh, Ca ssandra,” she uttered in shock. “Oh, Ca  ssandra… I didn’t… I don’t understand. I… I poured the tea myself. I didn’t… I didn’t know…”

“Erika, breathe,” I insisted. “Please. I know this wasn’t your fault.”

“Was the tea… was it poisoned?” she asked quietly.

“It seems that way,” I said. “But Erika, I know it wasn’t your fault or your doing. Something is going on here, something bad.”

As much as I didn’t want to admit it, I was terrified. Whoever had put the poison in the tea had been skillful. They must have slipped it in when Erika wasn’t looking, or perhaps they’d snuck it into the tea leaves that the maid used.

Either way, I couldn’t imagine what would have happened if Adalyn and I had

drunk it.

My stomach twisted in knots.

“Let’s get you to a chair,” I decided, and after Erika nodded, I escorted her over to the table. Once she was situated, an idea crossed my mind. I rushed over to my backpack and started to retrieve some of my supplies.”

Erika watched me warily.

“What are you doing?” she wondered.

“Taking a sample,” I replied as I walked back over. I wasted no time and emptied the contents of the teacup into an empty tube. “I have some testing supplies with me. I’m going to try to figure out what’s going on.”

“Oh,” she breathed, and she nodded her head slowly. “That’s brilliant,

Ca ssandra.”

“After you’ve taken a moment to relax, could you carefully pack the teacups into sealed bags?” I requested. “I’ll dispose of them in the lab bins later. They need to stay far away from anyone else. I have gloves you can use so you don’t get anything

on you.”

is is

Erika nodded vigorously. “Of course. It’s the least I can do.”

We got to work right away, and as I took the sample and waited for the results, panic rose with me. This situation had escalated from bad to dangerous very


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