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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 89

Chapter 89 Fight


My voice caught in my throat as the Alpha King glared down at me. His grip. remained tight around my wrist and the intensity of his gaze was almost enough to make me collapse. He was finally here.

For a moment, I nearly forgot myself. I was so relieved to see him that the rest of the audience in the corridor didn’t even matter. But that feeling was fleeting when I heard a chorus of whispers.

Adalyn. The imposter.

I was on a mission.

I was about to protest Asher’s statement, but before the words could leave my lips, the Alpha King released my arm and stepped forward. His tall frame obstructed me completely and shielded me from view.

“Release her at once,” he practically growled at the man, and I shivered at his powerful tone.

“Asher,” Adalyn whimpered beyond us. I stepped out just far enough to see what was going on. Her amber eyes spilled over with tears, but this time, they were from happiness and relief rather than fear.

Moments later, Oliver and Linda Moses pushed their way through the crowd and rushed toward us. The Beta family’s faces paled instantly when they saw the state of their daughter, and Linda’s hand covered her mouth in shock as she cried. Oliver was like a statue, his face hardened and unmoving.

Footsteps rang out, and I stepped aside just as Prince Marco charged right at


“Daddy!” he exclaimed through his s obs. “Daddy, please, I want to see Mommy!

I don’t understand what’s happening.”

I was relieved that the young boy was too short to see over the crowd of people. If he could see his mother’s blood-drenched frame, I was certain he would

be scarred for life.

Though I detested and even hated the entire Moses family, I felt sorry for Marco. I couldn’t imagine Finnick in the young prince’s position.

Asher crouched down but kept his eyes ahead.

“Marco, I need you to go with Sir Davey,” he said, and a guard rushed over immediately at the sound of his name. “Mommy and I will see you soon enough.”

In one smooth motion, he swept Marco into his arms and handed him off to the guard.

“Take him back to his room,” he ordered.

Sir Davey nodded and held Marco close. He obstructed the boy’s view of the man and carried him away without another word.

Once the prince and the guard disappeared down the corridor, Asher approached the circle of guards. His men parted obediently, and the Alpha King entered the fray.

I gulped in anticipation.

“What do you want?” Asher demanded.

The man’s face remained emotionless. “I want a private word with the king.”

Asher scoffed and shook his head. “Whatever you have to say, you can speak it

now. You have my attention.”


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