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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 10

10. Struggles AZURA.

He had a family...

I stared at the marble tiles of the shower walls, letting the water pour down my body.

Nikki is his woman, and the boy...

I closed my eyes, resting my forehead against the cool wall.

He had a son...

Why didn‘t I know this? Sure, I never cared about the latest news, but it was never something mentioned. Sky or Kat would have mentioned it... But then again, Leo has moved away from his family entirely. Nikki seemed damn nice, and I had gone and slept with her man. 1

He was your mate, Azura.

Would he have broken up with her if I wasn‘t a Westwood? I don‘t know... Why did he mark me then?

Does he love her? Probably...

What he felt for me was just because of the bond...

I was the other woman.

My heart squeezed remembering the story of my biological mother. Her mate cheated on her, in fact, I even had a brother thanks to his infidelity, a brother who has been desperately trying to get to know me, but it‘s been me who just hasn‘t wanted to. I wasn‘t ready. I felt bitter... he was the reason Indigo ended up giving up the will to live. :

I knew the story from Mama and Dad... From the first time when they told me that I wasn‘t their biological child, like Kia and Liam...

(Flashback – Over nine years ago)

I stared at Mama and Dad, feeling worried. They were on either side of me in my bed, but they wanted to talk to me about something. Did they find out I cut the squares in Liam‘s underwear because he refused to allow me to taste whiskey?

But... I made sure I had an alibi...

Hmm, something wasn‘t right.

No wait, oh my god, they must have realised I emptied the pot of worms on that dumb boy’s head! But he was calling me names! No, wait... What if they realised I‘m the one who made Jayce and Theo flood the bathrooms? Or wait, what if it– !

“Hey, stop overthinking it, Wildfire.” Dad said, tapping my nose. 2

“I just want to say, whatever it is, I didn‘t do it. I‘ve done nothing at all.”

“We haven‘t said anything yet.” Mama added, looking amused.

“I know but it might be a trick, so whatever you think I‘ve done, I haven‘t done what you think I’ve done.”

“You usually have done what we think you have done, but it‘s nothing of the sort, there‘s something we wanted to tell you.” Mama replied, wrapping her arms around me tightly as she smiled. I snuggled into her, letting out a breath of relief, wondering what it was. “You know Mama Indy right?”

“Yes Mama, you always go on about her because I look like her, right? Are you missing her tonight?” I ask softly, looking up at her.

Her eyes filled with sadness, and she kissed my forehead. “We always are.” She responded softly, looking at Dad, who put his arms around us. “Yeah...” Dad agreed.

Dad always got sad when he looked at her picture too. I know Mama and Dad‘s parents were married, although Mama and Dad have never really mentioned it directly, I have heard things. They turned out to be mates too, so everyone had to accept that their love was meant to be, even if it‘s very shocking to imagine it... Naughty Dad and Mama having a secret love affair.

“What we are going to tell you, Angel, is only because you deserve to know the truth, it doesn‘t change anything.” Dad said, kissing my head. I frowned but nodded.

This was weird…

“When the battle that took Indigo‘s life occurred, she was pregnant, but she wanted to help us against the evil. It cost her, her life.”

I frowned. “Wow, but what about her baby then, didn‘t she care about it?”

Mama tensed, then I saw her and Dad exchange looks. Dad gave her hand a squeeze.

“She did, but she had been through a lot in life, and she wanted to do something to protect everyone because without us winning, things would have been terrible for us. When she was killed... Marcel and your mother took her to Grandma Amelia. You know her, right?”

“Yes I do, Grandma Amy, how can I not? You all make sure I remember her all the time. “I said with a roll of my eyes. “I think I would have loved her. So then, what happened?” !

“Well, Grandma Amy had some magic that we never knew she possessed, and using it she placed the baby that was still fighting for life into me instead.” Mama explained.

I furrowed my brows, staring at Mama‘s tummy.

“Then the baby lived?”

I may have messed up, been a prankster and every teacher‘s worst nightmare, but in the lessons I liked, I did my best. That dream wasn‘t forgotten, but right now my priority was my pup, and I had almost risked its life by thinking Judah wouldn‘t try something stupid.


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