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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 29

Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Chapter 29 – Do I Trust Him


“Try me.”

His words rang in my head, and I wanted to. Somehow, I wanted to blurt it all out and have him fix it…

It was weird, the way he made me feel like I could rely on him. It confused the heck out of me because I always handled everything myself.

He looked so yummy in that black shirt and grey pants. His toned thighs, narrow waist and those delicious muscular biceps … This guy was born with incredible genes and those blue eyes… goddess never had I liked the colour more.

But the way he was behaving was unnerving me… I could feel his anger. I just wasn’t sure if it was because I left the room, or f**ked up his delta’s face, or because maybe seeing me injured pissed him off?

Stop kidding yourself Azura… He marked you, rejected you, and watched you collapse before walking away…

The memory felt like a harsh slap in the face, and I broke our eye contact, moving away from his touch.

I pushed the painful thought away and took a deep breath.

“I was in here when I heard two loud bangs and they sounded a bit weird; so I thought I’d go see if Jackie was ok, I barely got out the door when I saw Emmet storm out their door….” I nudged him away with my shoulder and slid out from wliere he had me trapped. “He entered the lift and I hurried to their door, Jackie opened it thinking it was Emmet. That’s when I saw that she had a bruise on her cheek and around her neck. It wasn’t even just finger marks; he had dug his claws into her skin and then… she just said to me not to tell the Alpha.’

I turned and looked at him, he was standing there, one hand to his chin, the other in his pocket and he was frowning deeply, obviously wanting me to continue. So I looked him square in the eye and carried on.

“When I went down there, he was around the side of the building about to go through some door, and I called him. He told me to mind my own business, and I confronted him. He got pissed and threatened me. Then I defended myself by losing my sh*t and attacking him like the psycho I am.” I finished with a shrug.

No reaction.

That frown remained, as his eyes dipped to my forearm, where I was bleeding a little, although it was already healing up pretty well. It wasn’t a big deal… if he saw Emmet…

“So although he’s your Delta, he could use some work…” I mumbled as he advanced on me but despite the fact he was oozing dominance and power, it wasn’t threatening, even if my heart was racing. I knew that was because of something entirely different.

He took my wrist in his hand before raising it to his mouth, and to my surprise, he ran his tongue along the graze, sending a riveting jolt of pleasure straight to my core.

I knew alpha saliva helped heal faster, but the way he was looking at me was anything but innocent.

I yanked my arm away, frowning at him, despite feeling my cheeks heat up.

“What are you doing!” I growled.

He c**ked a brow, taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

“Alpha saliva heals, or don’t you know that?”

“I do,but just because I had a graze doesn’t mean you are going to go around licking it.” I frowned, although it left a cooling touch in its wake.

“I saw a cut and I licked it. End of f**king story.” He growled, smoking his cigarette.

“I have a graze on my a*s, are you going to lick that too?” I shot back, before freezing as his eyes met mine.

You really are the classiest woman in the world, Azura. Is there ever a time I didn’t put my foot in my d*mn mouth?

“Do you want me to?” He replied mockingly.

Leo’s pierced tongue on my a*s?

Hmm yes, please.

Wait no.

I glared at him.

“No thanks,” I muttered, stalking out of the bedroom. I did not want to be in there when everything that was coming into my head was far from decent.

I knew I was frustrated, and I always got carried away when I’m overwhelmed, I heard him follow me silently before I turned to him.

“So, uh, do you believe me?”

“I can tell when someone lies.” He said simply. “I’ll have someone come to check up on your injuries, get some rest.”

He didn’t answer me… Would he do nothing?

“I’m not lying.” I tried, unable to hide the frustration in my voice.

He paused his hand on the door handle, turning and looking at me, and I knew this was my last chance.

“I’ve heard of stories where people hide abuse, where even the best of Alphas don’t notice it happening beneath their noses. Women or even men, who keep it a secret because they love their mates too much to let them go.”

He turned back to me, watching me with that sharp, calculating look in his eyes.

“Seems like you know someone who has been through that.”

I wasn’t going to hide it because of my own pride, because if this got him to see that Jackie needed him, then I was ready to tell him.

“Indigo, my biological mother… She let her mate treat her like sh*t just so he stayed by her side. She was so blinded that without him, she lost the will to live.”

And she didn’t care if I died or lived…

I looked away from those ice-cold eyes, hating how vulnerable I sounded.

“I’m just… Jackie is a good person, I don’t want her to go down that path.”

I looked down at my nails.

He approached but I didn’t look up trying to compose my emotions. When he placed two fingers under my chin, forcing my face up, our eyes met.

“Friend, brother, or pack member… if someone is abusing their mate, I will deal with them. Rest assured Little She-Wolf, I know you’re not lying, you’ve told me what you saw. Now I’ll handle the rest. Get some sleep once you’re checked over.”

He cared for others, but it kind of hurt that he had also hurt me.

This isn’t about you Azura, but Jackie. I didn’t want another woman to become Indigo.

I gave a small nod, trying to pull away from his touch that was making my heart pound and head feel light. But he refused to let go, curling his fingers under my chin and forcing me to look at him. He searched my eyes for something before I pulled away and turned my back on him.

He didn’t say anything, and I sensed him moving away. I could only breathe when I heard the door click shut…


I left the room, taking my phone out.

‘Becky, can you come to the 7th floor of my apartment block? There’s an important guest in the apartment across from Emmet’s. Check her over. She was in a fight, and may have a few fractures.’

‘Of course Alpha Leo. I will be there in ten.


I ended the link, looking at the video Eric :: had sent. From their body language it was clear they were arguing. Then Emmet grabbed her and my eyes blazed, the urge to cross the floor and rip that door off its hinges and Stop.

I was thinking like a deranged beast… One that reminded me of someone I hated to the f**king core.


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