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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 3

3. His Dangerous Temptation


I moved back, my heart thumping. He must have heard me, he must have smelt me.

What the hell do I do?

Judah was dangerous, but the man standing a few metres from me screamed of power and danger of a far higher calibre.

I needed to get out of here before he saw me, but how do I do that?

“We can continue this another day. Reschedule.” His deep velvety voice, that sent shivers of desire through me, came.

Oh fuck, that voice was hot.

Come on Azura, breathe steadily and focus.

“Ah, of course.”


I didn’t dare move as I heard the rest recede, but my mate remained. The doors shut and I closed my eyes in defeat, he had remained.

“Why don’t you step out from your hiding spot.” His voice came. I closed my eyes, any dream I had that I would be able to escape from him was gone.

Slowly I stood up and turned, staring at the man before me. If I had thought he was the epitome of sexiness and dominance before, he was a thousand times hotter when you saw him properly. His scent intoxicated me, and I felt lightheaded as he slowly removed his shades and I looked into the pair of coldest ice-blue eyes I had ever seen. Eyes that trailed over me, but gave away nothing.

He was tall, maybe around six-foot-six. His muscular arms strained with his bulging biceps, I noticed that he had three piercings in his right ear and one in his left.

“Who would have thought I’d be given a human…” He muttered so quietly I almost didn’t hear him.

“I’m not human.” I replied coldly.

He looked up into my eyes with a glimmer of interest in those cold ones.

“Then join me for a drink.”

It wasn’t an offer, but a command.

The very temptation to turn and run away from him consumed me, but I couldn’t. As much as I hadn’t wanted to find my mate, the curiosity to know what kind of person the goddess had made for me won, and I found myself nodding.

He came over to the bar, I had to admit that his posture and attitude spoke volumes. This was a man who knew what he wanted, and he got it.

The temptation to tell him about Judah and why I was up here almost overcame me, but I couldn’t, this was not his fight and he hadn’t asked why I was up here.

But something told me I had walked straight into the wolf’s den.

“Do you like your drink strong or light?” He asked after dropping his jacket onto the sofa.

“Strong, although I don’t think there’s anything you have to offer that could work on me.” I mused, staring at the window that looked down upon the club.

“Don’t be so sure.” His arrogant reply came.

I turned to him as he poured a green liquid into two glasses, before he held one out to me.

“What is this?” I asked, looking at it curiously.

“Absinthe.” He replied with a small cold smirk, before he raised the glass. I clinked mine against his, looking surprised.


“Isn’t this illegal here?” I asked, unable to stop the curiosity that seeped into my mind.

“Being up here without permission is illegal too. This is the only drink that can really take the edge away. Clearly four bottles of whiskey didn’t work for you.” He remarked mockingly.

My heart skipped a beat, had he seen me? I looked down below, only to see the booth I was sitting at was in plain sight…

“So you were watching me?”

“You may have caught my eye. Not many women do.”

I didn’t miss the ‘many’ in that sentence.

He stepped closer and I found myself looking into those dangerous eyes of his.

“You wanted to run when you realised that we were mates.”

He knew.

I took a sip of the alcohol.

Oh, this was strong…

The taste was intense, but I liked it.

“I think you would actually be happy if I ran, I’m a nightmare you do not want in your life.”

“Funny that you should refer to yourself as a nightmare, you look far from one, but even I know not everything that looks like a dream is one.”


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