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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 34

Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Chapter 34 – Refusing to Fail


“Your baby won‘t die, not on my f*****g watch.” I promised her, my mind racing as I tried to think of the best course of action. 2

She was looking at me with her eyes flickering from silver to blue, her heart thundering as she clutched her stomach. Her lips parted, but she was unable to put two words together.

I knew my medical s**t… Although werewolves could take a hell more than a human, the trauma of his kick could have damaged the placenta. 1

“You are going to be ok.” I murmured, lifting her carefully into my arms.

Her heart was racing, her entire body shaking, and I had never f*****g seen her look so vulnerable.

You f*****g will be ok. ‘I need our top gynaecologist ready to check on a patient with blunt force trauma to her abdomen.‘ I said through the link, the urgency in my voice crystal clear. 1

I ran from the apartment to the lift.

‘Winona I need you to go down through my office to my underground quarters. Just go through my office, I‘ll open the entrance for you now. Go down via the lift. In the main room, there‘s a drawer with the number 78X0 on it, on the left side. The second compartment in the fridge contains a box of syringes. I need you to bring them to the hospital right now!‘ ‘Yes, Alpha!

I had never let anyone down there, and I just f*****g hoped she found it. I quickly unlocked the office passageway from my watch. My own heart was thundering as I looked at the woman in my arms. She was frozen in shock, her hands shaking as she clutched her stomach, her eyes fixed on her b****y thighs.

She couldn‘t lose this baby; something told me she could lose the world but not this child. It would destroy her.

The lift opened and I ran to the exit. ‘Dad! Dad, I need you to get Kiara here right now, her sister needs her.‘ My voice broke as fear enveloped me. 22 I promised her that her baby won‘t die… I was f*****g going to keep that promise. ‘Leo what‘s going on! What‘s happened to Azura?‘ Dad‘s panicked voice came through the link. ‘Call Kiara now.‘ I repeated, my voice strained with urgency. ‘She‘s going to lose this baby otherwise!‘

Baby… what… ok, on it!‘ ‘Winona hurry!‘ ‘I‘m on my way!’ Her breathless reply came.

‘We are ready for the patient. Room 30 second floor, Alpha.‘ My heart was f*****g thundering in my ear as I ran to the hospital. My feet skidding on the tiled floor as I entered, before running to the stairs, taking her to the room that was ready for her. “Place her down!” Doctor Donna ordered as she stepped forward. 3 I did slowly, she was unmoving, but the tears were now streaming down her cheeks. She needed all the strength she could get. What should I f*****g do? “I’m going to do an internal examination.” “Check her levels.” “She‘s lost a lot of blood.” I need to do something… Think Leo… “I, Leo Rossi, take back my rejection and accept Azura Rayne Westwood as my mate and Luna… “I said quietly, staring at the woman on the bed. 23

My wolf‘s approval filled my head, and a ripple of gasps filled my room. 3 Azura‘s eyes snapped to mine as the bond came to life, from the edge it had been teetering on for so long. I felt it strengthen once more as that powerful pull between us returned.

If she marked me, it would reinforce her abilities… But I was dying… 2

She was strong enough to survive without me. But after the story Dad had told me about her mom and her own birth, I knew losing this child would be far worse.

I stepped closer and knelt down by the bed.

“Mark me Azura. It may give you the strength you need to heal.”

I hoped so… I f*****g needed this to work for her.

She looked at me as if trying to comprehend what I was saying.

“There‘s damage to her placenta… She might miscarry…”

Their voices as they whispered amongst themselves, were like screams in my head. Azura also seemed to have heard them. Her head snapped to mine, the fiery determination of a woman who refused to give up returned in her eyes, and she gave me a slow nod.

I stood up, before lifting her head from the cushions, perching next to her on the narrow hospital bed. With my other hand, I pulled my shirt back, allowing her access to my tattooed neck

Please be ok. “What…” Her voice was hoarse. “Do it.”

I looked into her eyes for a second before she moved closer. “For our baby.” She whispered before sinking her teeth into my neck Pleasure erupted through me as I felt the sizzling intensity of the bond erupt inside me like an

inferno, and then that powerful tug that sent an explosion of fireworks through me. Her lips brushed my neck, and if the situation wasn‘t so complicated, this would have been entirely different…

Our bond was completed…

My aura surged around me and I felt my power growing. I just hoped hers did too… 1

00… 1

I could feel her storm of emotions through the bond.

The fear for her child. 1

The self–blame that she should have been able to prevent that kick.

Disappointment in herself.

She retracted her teeth, her tongue brushing her mark fleetingly before she dropped back onto the pillows just as Winona ran through the door. 2 “Here!” She held out the box to me and I took it from her, flipping it open. I was met with a blast of freezing cold air. “Give me a needle.” I ordered “What is that Alpha?” Donna asked, passing me a wrapped needle after a moment.

“Something I‘ve been working on… It should speed up the process of healing.” My aim to try to find a cure… It wasn‘t perfect, but what I did notice was that it healed external wounds, just not long–term injuries. I wasn‘t sure how well it would work on her, but from my testing, I truly hoped it did the job. “There‘s no such thing…” One of them murmured as I took the syringe and attached a needle to it.

I ignored them, looking at the woman on the bed. Even in pain, she was the most beautiful thing on the planet. 1

“Trust me.” I said to Azura. 1

I wasn‘t a healer; I wasn‘t strong enough to f*****g prevent this… but… I moved her gown slightly, one of the doctors had already thrown a sheet over her legs before carrying out her internal examination.

Please f*****g be ok

I forced my walls up, knowing she didn‘t need any extra stress right now. All I could give her was my reassurance and strength, which I let flow through the bond despite the fear I was f*****g trying to hide. She didn‘t even fight or react, her hands on her stomach as I placed the needle on the side of her stomach, and injected her with the formula I had created.

Scarlett Westwood was the research specimen behind this… after the battle a decade ago, I had taken some of her blood for research out of interest. Trying to see the scientific build–up of her cells.


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