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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 8

8. A Compromise


I awoke to a dull ache in my back, I was in a comfortable bed and I could smell a citrusy fresh scent. I frowned, opening my eyes and looking around what appeared to be a hospital room. The walls were a pale green, with the far wall being covered in forest scenery.

I was hooked up to some drips. Sitting up, I yanked them off and slid out of the bed.

Sunlight was streaming through the window that was open a crack, and I could hear the faint sounds of laughter and chatter from outside. I looked down, realising I was wearing a pale green hospital gown. My clothes. Where were they?

I scanned the room, my heart leaping when I spotted my luggage and coat on the couch in the corner. I rushed over to it, wincing as a pang of pain rushed through my back.

Oh fuck.

What time was it? Or worse, what day was it and where was I? Where was my phone? I was about to grab some clothes when one of the two doors leading off the room opened, and a woman in a white coat with her brown hair pulled into a ponytail entered. Her grey eyes were full of concern when she spotted the empty bed, before she turned to me.

“Oh, you‘re awake. Thank the goddess!”

She placed the file she was holding down and came over. I stood up from where I was rummaging in my clothes, looking at the woman who was a few inches shorter than me warily.

“Where am I?”

“You are at the Sangue Pack, our Alpha Leo found you injured and brought you here. I‘m doctor Demiko.” She explained. Her words made my heart thump violently.


The Sangue Pack, I almost clutched my stomach in panic He couldn‘t know. I had to keep this a secret.

“How long was I out?”

“Just for the night, it‘s not even noon yet.” “I need to make a call, where‘s my phone?”

“I‘m sorry, there was no phone on you, but you can use mine.” She offered.

I nodded and she took the sleek black device from the pocket of her white coat.

Activating No Caller ID, my heart thumping, 1 quickly dialled Mama‘s number.


I let out a silent breath, hearing her voice. “Hey Mama, don‘t kill me, but I lost my phone.”

“Seriously Azura! We were worried.”

“I know but you know me and phones.”

For once I was glad I was a bit of a scatter–brained person with phones, because I was sure if I didn‘t reply straight away, they would have been worried. Mama sighed in relief.

“Are you in Sweden?”

“Yes Mama, I‘m just calling from someone‘s phone to let you know. I was so tired after the flight that I just crashed. When I‘m rested and settled in I will call you all, ok?”

“Ok baby, thank the goddess you are ok. Get some rest.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” Mama replied.

I hung up and looked at the doctor, who was filling in some forms, passing the phone back to her.

“Thanks.” I said, as she took it with a small smile.

“I hope you trust that we mean no harm.” She raised her hand in surrender, smiling warmly, clearly sensing my discontent. “I‘m Jackie, and I‘m the doctor who attended to you. The injury you had contained WB12. Luckily it was a very small amount.”

One of the deadliest forms of wolfsbane out there. 1

My baby My heart thumped as I looked at her.

“Did you do a blood test?” I asked.

I was in turmoil. I wanted to know if my baby was ok, but I also didn‘t want Leo to learn about it.

I needed to get out of here.

“No we didn‘t need to, the green pus is enough to let us know what it was and we were able to treat you quickly.” She smiled be

+ vou quickly,” She smiled before motioning to the bed. “Please sit down so I can check your vitals.”

The baby...

“I... I need to leave.” I said quietly.

“Miss... You can‘t leave yet, you‘re not in any condition to leave the hospital. Besides, the Alpha said you were not to leave yet.” She mumbled.


“He isn‘t the Alpha of this pack yet, correct? Where is the real Alph... fuck.”

Marcel. Marcel couldn‘t see me here! “Alpha Marcel is on holiday, and although he may not have passed the official title down to his son, I assure you Alpha Leo is still very much in charge.” She whispered, glancing furtively towards the door. “Please don‘t say that again.” “... shit.” I ran my hand through my hair.

I needed to see if my baby was ok and I couldn‘t get that done here without Leo‘s knowledge. It still felt weird to think this child was his too... Would he even care? I‘m sure he‘d just cast it aside too.

My heart squeezed but I refused to let my thoughts go down that path. “Calm down, it‘s going to be ok. You will be allowed to go soon.” She whispered, guiding me to the bed.

How could I calm down when I was scared for my baby‘s life?

“Is there any poison left in my body?” I asked quietly. “No, we have treated it. You will soon be back to your normal self.” I nodded hesitantly. I needed to get out of here, and I didn‘t care if it was risky, I needed to go to Kia, I needed to make sure my baby was safe. I could fuck up my own life, not this unborn pup‘s. “Ok, so when can I leave?”

“I‘ve told the Alpha you are awake... I‘m sure he will let you go when he deems fit.”

“I‘m not his property, I will pay for the medical expenses and offer my gratitude, but I need to leave.” I insisted, my eyes flashing.

I know it‘s not her fault and it isn‘t fair for me to take it all out on her, but I needed to get checked and there was no one else here. I ran a frustrated hand through my hair.


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