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Alpha’s Betted Bride (Gabriella) novel Chapter 2

A knock on my door woke me after my two hours of sleep, barely.

I turned around and rubbed my eyes before looking at the door being opened. My mom poked her head inside and had a wide smile on her face, showing of her pearl-white teeth.

”Hi, honey, sleep well?” She asked and I rose a brow. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her. I looked at the floor by the bed and my brows hunched together when I saw my suitcases had been taken.

” They're waiting downstairs,” She said and walked over to my bed. The bed dipped down as she sat and I jerked my head away as she tried to cup my cheek

” As I said to dad, we don't have to pretend,” I said and removed the covers.

She cleared her throat and fixed her dress.

”I thought maybe you wanted some help to get ready. I could straighten your hair, or maybe help you with your makeup. Let’s make you pretty,” She said in a nauseatingly gleeful voice. My veins grew cold and I resisted the urge to tell her everything that was on my mind. I couldn't believe them, they had sold their daughter off to another pack and they acted as though this was the happiest day of my life.

”Make me pretty? What makes you think for even a second that I give a damn about how I look?” She rose her brows and looked mighty offended.

”It’s your wedding day, how can you not care about how you’re gonna look in front of all those people, his family and him?” She said and shook her head. She honestly couldn't believe it.

I sighed and couldn't help but smile at the stupidity.

”I don’t care, mother, I never did. I'll go up there, looking how I look and not giving a flying fuck about what his family or he thinks,” I said articulately to make sure she caught every word.

My mom took a step closer, she rolled back her shoulders and pressed her lips together.

”I will not let you make a fool of this family. You will get ready and you will be presentable as you marry Alpha Aiden. His entire pack will be welcoming you as their Luna, his parents will be watching and so will we.”

”Just to get this right, I have no say in anything regarding this wedding, including my appearance?” I asked and lifted a finger.

She came up to me, her eyes softened and her bottom lip stuck out in a pout. She placed some hair behind my ear and cupped my cheek.

”Oh honey, the short answer is no. you have no choice but the good news is that when I'm done with you, you’re going to look like a princess,” She said quietly and stared in awe as she looked at her canvas.

I clenched my jaw knowing it was done, there wasn't anything I could say or do to get out of this.

”Come on,” I sat down on the chair next to the makeup table. A few Omegas came in and delivered the makeup, hair products, and the dress. The urge to gag was getting harder to control. There were three layers of makeup on my face, false lashes, and my hair was straightened. My mom never liked my curly hair, I was the only one out of my siblings who had it and I got it from my dad. She said that it suits boys and some girls but not me.

After everything was done she skipped over to where the dress was hanging on the rack. She pulled the zipper down and revealed an all-white lace dress with thick straps and a sweetheart neckline.

”How beautiful is this, imagine how gorgeous you will feel walking down the aisle,” She said in awe and dragged her hand over the fabric.

”WHAT?!” I jumped in the chair as Edmund's growl sounded throughout the entire house.

I opened the door and ran out. He was standing in the hallway, his eyes were glowing and his chest was raising and falling with each heavy breath he took. His nostrils flared as he picked up my suitcase and tossed it onto the wall.

”Gabby, will you tell your brothers that it is okay.” My father said with a sigh. I looked between him and the three raging men in front of him.

”No but I can tell them the truth that I haven't been allowed to say until now,” I said and shrugged a shoulder

”YOU SOLD YOUR DAUGHTER?” He growled and walked toward our father. My mom ran down the stairs and up to him.


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