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Alpha's Blind Luna novel Chapter 17

***Logan’s POV***

When I had pulled up to the packhouse at 10 am it was quiet. I knew I fucked up yesterday. The moment I let the words slip out of my mouth. The moment I felt the utter despair through the mate bond, I knew I fucked up. I had kicked my desk in half, threw my chair at the bookshelf before ripping the door off its hinges. Bryan didn’t try to stop me. He just watched as I grabbed my jacket and left.

I knew he heard what I had said and he was pissed at me as well. But I already felt like enough of an asshole, I didn’t need him to tell me that. I took the Jeep and drove. I just drove and ended up in one of the cities that bordered my territories. After drinking most of the night, I had actually passed out in the back seat of the Jeep. Apparently, I had driven my drunk ass out into the forest where I just laid down and fell asleep.

When I woke up, I had a hammering headache and was two hours away from the packhouse. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t gone home. I wondered if it would have been better if I had just gone home. But I figured coming home sober in the morning was better than coming home drunk at night. Cato was mad at me. He would throw obscenities at me every so often. He was mad how I treated our mate, our mate who he had just had a swelling pride after taking down three rogues herself.

Opening the door, I realized that Michael was already here. He was an Elder from the council we had for the pack. One of the ones that grated on my nerves more than the others. Michael nearly had a heart attack when I changed the rule that female werewolves were allowed to train and do patrols with the men. He also challenged my authority far too often. Listening, I could hear Michael sitting in my office but I couldn’t hear Auri or Bryan. I wondered if they had gone out for another run.

I grabbed a mug of coffee when Bryan came bursting through the door. He looked disheveled and panicked.


“Bryan, what’s going on? Another rogue sighting?” My hair was standing up.

He shook his head. “Michael, he….” Bryan’s eyes flickered behind me and I looked to see Michael, walking towards us.

“I was taking out the trash for you.”

I heard Bryan growl and start to charge him. I put my hand on his chest, stopping him from attacking. My brows furrowed, it took a lot for Bryan to just blindly attack.

“The only trash here is you, Michael. Logan should have kicked you out years ago! None of us deserve her! The pack doesn’t and especially you.” Bryan glared at me. “You are the least deserving of our Luna.”

I took me a minute to realize what he was talking about and then my mind clicked of what Michael had said. Pushing Bryan back, Cato growled through me as I grabbed Michael by the collar of his shirt and pulled him up eye level to me. He was big, arguably one of the best fighters in my dad’s generation, but he was no Alpha.

“What did you do?”

Michael laughed. “Oh please, Alpha. You were actually thinking of taking that weak wolf as your Luna? I know the mate bond is strong, but you had to have seen her. For goddess sake, she’s blind. That kind of woman doesn’t deserve to be in a pack, let alone as a Luna in one.”

I threw Michael back against the wall. As he hit, I heard the vase behind him shatter as he slid to the floor, shocked.

“What did you do?” I growled again as Cato filled the room with the Alpha aura.

Michael turned his head to the side, baring his neck. “I did what was necessary to protect the pack, to protect you, Alpha. I kicked her out. Told her to run. Threatening to turn the pack against her and the council. To force you to reject her.”

My clothes ripped apart as Cato burst through my control and my wolf stared directly at its prey. Cato had already pushed me back as I watched him grab Michael in his mouth and drag him through the kitchen. Bryan moved away as we stepped out the door. I tossed Michael out the door and stalked him. He quickly turned into his wolf. Growling and snapping his teeth at me.

'She was weak Logan. Your father would have admonished you for marking her, for thinking you could make her into a Luna.' Michael’s voice coming through the mind link.

Cato lunged at him, catching him on the hind leg. His wolf yelped.

'It is not your place Michael to decide what I do or don’t do in this pack. I am Alpha with or without you. I will still be Alpha with or without you. Whatever I decide is how everyone will accept it.'

My Alpha presence was making his wolf whimper as I stalked back over to him, my head held high over. He laid down, whining.

'Whatever you seem to think Alpha, she still ran. She knew she was weak and that she would be your weakness. You should have rejected her right off the bat. You should have never marked her.'

I opened up the mind link to the full pack. At first there was a lot of chatter but it all died down as they felt my presence. I stared down at the wolf below me.

'Michael Rivers, I hereby strip you of right to be on the Elder Council. You have committed crimes against your Alpha and your Luna, against your pack. Those crimes you will pay for with you life.'

'Alpha! No!'


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