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Alpha's Blind Luna novel Chapter 25

I curled my fingers up into a fist and let loose on the tree in front of me. Every single punch made splinters fly as I punched further and further into the wood.

One, two, three….

Faris growled and I started to go faster.

…eleven, twelve, thirteen…

I stopped training with the boys almost two weeks ago. After the fiasco that happened at the training grounds, I had elders and doctors up my ass for a week after that. They all came to the conclusion that I was fine, something both Rose and I knew but the entire pack now wondered if I was on my death bed.

…thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five…

I still could barely eat but I did make an effort to eat more than I had been. It wasn’t helping though. Now, Leo was starting to hound me and wouldn’t let me alone. Even when Rose told him off, he would come back minutes later as soon as she walked away. The only time I ever got some peace and quiet was when I snuck away for my own personal training.

'Alpha, we need you at the pack house.'

I growled and swung my foot, hitting the same spot and the tree cracked in half. The trunk slammed to the ground and I took a deep breath.

'Leo, I swear to the goddess this better be a legit reason your calling me.'

'We’ve got a band of fucking riffraff here.'

My eyes narrowed and I rolled my shoulder. Throwing on my shirt and pulling my hair back into a pony tail, I replied. 'I’ll be there in a minute.'

I jogged from the forest since I wasn’t too far from the pack house. Coming out of the woods, I saw an old military Humvee parked out front of the pack house. There were a few people leaning against the car itself whereas Leo and Cory were standing in front of three others. As soon as Leo caught my eye, he nodded to them and jogged over to me.

“They fucking sent the bottom of the barrel for us.” He was livid.

“What are you talking about?”

He turned but leaned into my ear. “There is a blind wolfless woman, a vampire, two old wolves, three young ones. This is the group the fucking High Council sent us. It’s a fucking joke.”

I took a deep breath. My anger started to rise as I felt like all the time I had said be patient, hoping the High Council would send an army to help us and protect our pack, was not a waste. I looked over the group that was standing outside of the vehicle. This was the best they could send us? We were basically on our own. Holding back my anger as much as I could, I walked up to the three that were still speaking with Cory.

“Alpha Ezekiel, I presume.” One of the older wolves held out his hand. His hair was peppered grey and braided down the back. He was built much like Owen was, though bulkier. “My name is Hector Mendez. This is Bryan Steele and Auri Meadows. We are here on behalf of the High Council.”

“Is this a joke?”

All three of them looked at me, both confused and slightly shocked. I, however, was not in the mood. My eyes fell on the woman between them. She was just as old as they were and she was about 5ft 6in. Her grey eyes looked at me and I felt the anger overflow.

“Excuse me?” The wolf, Hector, took a moment to recover but when I looked back at him, he was glaring at me.

“I asked if this was a joke. I told the High Council that I had a real problem. I told them people in my pack were getting attacked and abducted.” I waved over their little group. “This is the best they could come up with after nearly three months?”

I started to ready myself as Hector shook his head and moved forward but was the woman, Auri who was exactly as Leo described, wolfless and blind, held him back. He stopped immediately and stepped back, turning to walk back to their vehicle. Bryan looked down at her and nodded.

“As much as you may think we are a joke, Alpha, I assure you we are not. We would like to post up at the northern part of your territory, at the boundary, if that is alright with you. We want to be out of your way as much as possible.”

Snorting, I shook my head. “Why should I allow this? You want me to just report your deaths to the High Council now or when we confirm it in a week?”

There was a growl from behind and I saw two younger male wolves holding back Hector. Bryan cleared his throat.

“You can do whatever you wish, Alpha. However, we are here to do a job. If you don’t want us on the territory, we will go further north but we would prefer to be able to still protect your borders while we set up.”

“Do whatever you want. I just don’t want that vampire near the town. Is that understood?”

Bryan nodded and turned back to the group, signaling for them to pile back into the Humvee. Auri though stood in front of me and didn’t move to go back with her group.

“Woman, you better fucking go. We need to make plans for getting your bodies to the High Council.” Leo growled out.

A small chuckle came out of her mouth before she shook her head. Turning, she went back to the group and got in the passenger seat. They pulled out and down the road, heading north.

“What a fucking joke.” Leo yelled as he turned back into the pack house.

Cory had a frown on his face. “I don’t know.”

I looked at him. “What do you mean?”

“They may seem like a rag tag group of rogues but there is something about them. I can’t put my finger on it.”

“Did you see that wolf Bryan’s leg? It looked like he would have a better time if you amputated it with that scar! He probably has a cane!”

Cory and I walked back into the pack house while Leo yelled. He was pacing in the living room, yelling as he threw up his hands. Rose came dawdling in, her hand on her belly. Her due date was in twelve days and she was feeling it.

“What is all the yelling about?”

“Goddess, Rose. The fucking circus came to town and apparently they are going to fight the Darkry pack for us.” Leo growled.


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