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Alpha's Blind Luna novel Chapter 27

I walked back into the pack house late. Surprisingly, they had been completely open with everything. They joked and laughed and either Hector or Lucy added what Auri said, who was hilariously uncensored. It got to the point where Lucy or Hector would blush and refuse to say what she said, leaving AJ or Jax to say it.

For some reason, it felt really comfortable to sit at the table with them. It felt like when I sat with Leo, Rose and Cory, except this group was exceptionally louder. You could also tell that they all had been through much more. Especially Auri, Hector, and Bryan. The way they carried themselves was different and I wondered if it was only because of the war that they fought in or if it was more.

“Zeke, what the hell man?”

I closed the front door to the pack house and Leo, Owen, Cory and Rose were waiting for me, sitting in the living room.

“Goddess! Look at your face Zeke!” Rose looked at me, worried but I waved her off.

“Don’t get up, Rose. I’m fine. It’s just the leftover bruising.”

Owen did get up and looked at my face. “Everything seems to be put back properly. Gwen came out but she had no idea where to begin.”

“Their pack doctor is somewhat of a genius. She is young but she is incredible.”

Leo’s eyes narrowed. “So what? The clown crew has a good doctor?”

I growled. “Don’t fucking call them that. Goddess, have some decorum Leo. Sometimes I wonder how you talk about me behind my back.”

He stood and walked over to me. Looking down at me, he growled. “Why the hell shouldn’t I? You said yourself, they were a joke. Now you’re all buddy buddy with them? Because you let the she-wolf beat the shit out of you?”

“Let her? I didn’t let her do anything, Leo. There was no way I could have won. Not in a million years! Her skill level is crazy, you watched her!”

“I watched you lose. To a blind, wolfless…”

I cut him off. “The Huntress, Leo. I lost to The Huntress. The Luna Queen. I lost to the previous Alpha King’s mate.”

His eyes widened and he shook his head. “There is no way that tiny thing is The Huntress. The Huntress is a myth, a legend.”

“She is and she is now Alpha of that pack. So I suggest you swallow your pride because next time you see them because you will apologize. Hector and Bryan? Gamma and Beta to the previous Alpha King. The two young wolves that Owen tried to pick a fight with? They are The Bloodblades in the mercenary community. The young she-wolf? Dr. Shelley is what she is known as in the medical community. The vampire with them? The Morgan Russo.”

I took a deep breath. “So next time, you and Owen will both apologize to them. We asked the High Council for help and they sent the best they had. We are lucky to even have a chance to have them help. The pack needs to make sure they are willing to help with anything they need moving forward. But they still need to leave them alone. I also want the patrol to work with them and see when they are doing their rounds. I trust them completely on the borders.”


“That’s Alpha, Owen. What you did today, already was way past the line. No matter who they were, you don’t pick a fight with them. I told you to stay away from them. I expected my head warrior and future Alpha to be better than that.”

Owen growled. “I am not the future Alpha! That kid is!” He pointed to Rose.

I felt Faris growl and come forward but I pulled him back. “You will be Alpha, Owen. You will be Alpha as soon as this Darkry situation is wrapped up and you’re going to fucking deal with it. I didn’t want this either but here we are. Both Alpha’s.”

“That kid…!”

I roared. “That isn’t my pup, Owen!”

Everyone in the living room froze but my anger was seething. “Cory is Rose’s mate. They have been mated since Cory got back five years ago and they are together.” I glared at Leo. “That’s why she wasn’t in my room the other day. Because she doesn’t fucking sleep with me, she sleeps with Cory. That pup is theirs. I won’t have a line and I don’t intend on it. Owen, you will be Alpha and you will receive the title. I’ve been putting it off for years, but it is time you take your fathers place.”

“I don’t want to!” He yelled at me.

“I don’t care what you want, Owen! I am Alpha, I am your uncle, and I will do what is best for this pack. I don’t know why you won’t take your place but you will now. End of discussion.”

Turning on my heel, I stormed up to my room and slammed the door. Stripping down, I slammed the bathroom door shut and turned on the shower. My hands leaned against the countertop and I looked in the mirror. Rose was right to look worried, my face looked terrible. Luckily, it was all healing bruises and probably would be back to normal by tomorrow.

Lucy had done a damn good job setting everything and I lifted my shirt over my head. My side also had the same bruising color of purple and yellow but my ribs had been set. Looking at myself fully, with the bruising, I almost did look like I was dying. I was so thin now I wondered if I would be able to put the weight back on that I needed. My taste being back made me happy. Whatever Auri did, must have fixed it because her soup and cake were out of this world good.

Getting in the shower, I rinsed the blood, dirt, and sweat that clung to me. I let the water pound against my back and rise off the anger from earlier as well. Rose was going to be pissed. I know she didn’t want to tell her brother like that and I just fucking yelled it. Plus, telling Owen he was going to be Alpha was a conversation I was building up to. Sure, he needed to grow up but there was no valid reason as to why he couldn’t be Alpha.

I didn’t want Rose, Cory, and Leo to leave the pack with me either. This was their home and they had generations of their family here. They were also very prominent families of Beta’s and Gamma’s for the pack. After dinner, while I walked back, I realized I might be able to convince Alpha Auri to take me on as a temporary pack member. At least until I could get my head straight and work on a plan to somehow convince my mate not to hate me. It would also be good practice on backing off being an Alpha.

I finished showering, dried myself off and got into bed. I was so tired that I fell asleep as soon as I pulled the sheet up and my head hit the pillow.


My eyes opened and I looked up at golden eyes staring down at me. I tried to move but I realized I was being pinned down. Both my wrists were being held together over my head. Heart hammering in my chest, I started up at my mate. There was a five o’clock shadow on his jaw and dark circles under his eyes but they were drowned out by the look of need in his eyes. Leaning down, his face was inches from mine.

His breath fanned over skin and I felt the goosebumps erupt all over. Lifting up, I pressed my lips against his. He greedily kissed me back, his hips grinding into mine. We broke a part after a time, both breathing deeply.



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