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Alpha's Blind Luna novel Chapter 44

“Do you really need to go back so soon?” Ezekiel whined, helping me with my bag as I carried it down to the stairs.

I sighed. “Yes, they are imploding according to Jess. They need help. I also need their help and for them to take me seriously. I know all the requests I sent were just tossed in the trash.”

“Can’t I go with you?” He put his hand on my cheek and I smiled.

“I’ll request it. Especially since now we have officially mated, but it might take a couple weeks. I’ll have you come though, don’t worry. I love you, my little Alpha.”

Kissing Ezekiel on the forehead, I pulled him into a tight embrace. My face fell to his neck and into his loose hair. Inhaling deeply, I wanted his smell to fill me up once more before I left. The sparks even felt more like electrocutions than their usual calming energy. I didn’t want to let him go. Finally, I peeled myself away from him.

“I’m leaving my car for you. So when I do call for you, you can come up to me.” He nodded, his eyes glossy. I kissed him again, this time passionately on the lips. “I love you. I’ll see you soon.”

“I love you too, my King. Be safe. Call me soon.”

I nodded and turned, taking my bag and heading out the door. Goodbye’s were always tough and I had already said bye to everyone else in the house. Ezekiel and I were finding it hard to part. I had known for two days before I finally broke down and told Ezekiel I would need to leave at the end of the week. It only had been two weeks since he finished his heat but I needed to get back.

The black SUV pulled up and the driver jumped out, helping me load my bag. I opened up the door and looked back. Ezekiel was leaning against the doorway, his arms crossed over his naked chest, his jeans riding low on his hips. His lips were pursed in a thin line but I gave him a small smile before getting in the back seat. Shutting the door, the driver got in and we drove off. Grabbing my shirt, I felt my heart hammer in my chest like it wanted to come out of my chest and go back to my mate.

'Shit, this is harder than I thought.'

'It is. We could have just said fuck them and brought our mate with us.' Naresh sighed, his pacing was not helping the current feelings.

'We could. But we don’t know the storm we are walking into and it’s safer for him to be here. I’m worried just how crazy it’s gotten and how much work we are going to end up doing.'

Naresh growled but didn’t say anything else. He did settle down though, knowing I was right. I looked back at the pack house as we turned onto the costal highway. Taking a deep breath, I turned back to face straight ahead.


When I landed, I was supposed to be picked up by the High Council’s official driver. Instead, I was now staring at Jess, Mark, and Peter all turned heads as they stood waiting for me at a black SUV. Raising an eyebrow, I loaded up my luggage in the back, next to bags that seemed to be theirs.

“Honestly, I didn’t think three High Councilors were coming to pick me up.” I chuckled but Peter shook his head, rolling his eyes.

It was Jess who answered though. “We have an issue. We are going to head straight there. We will give you the details in the car.”

She hopped in the back seat, Mark and Peter taking the front. I jumped in the back with her and Mark sped off out of the airport. Jess handed me some paperwork and I flipped it open. Immediately, I recognized it as one of the issues I sent back to them for them to take a look at. That was when I first arrived over a month ago. Starting to open my mouth, Jess put her hand up.

“I don’t want to hear your ‘I told you so’ because frankly, we know and it’s not the time. Two representatives from the vampires, two werewolves from the High Council were decided to take part in this. Vale, over fifty lives have been lost now.”

My eyes narrowed. “How? This was a case of missing children. Children from the witches coven went missing and were blaming the werewolves with no proof.”

She nodded. “They allied with a few local covens of vampires. They have been attacking, trying to find their children. The Alpha, Alpha Niles, has sworn up and down that no children were taken and that there were nothing for them to do. He also said their pack had suffered from missing children but never suspected the witches or the vampires.”

“Were those children found?”

Jess shook her head. “His pack beefed up their borders and apparently there hasn’t been an issue since.”

“How many children are we talking about?”

“Six. Six kids, ranging from the age of four to the age of twelve. Mixture of ethnicity and gender. Only thing is that they have strong lines within their blood for the witches.”

I ran my hand through my hair. This wasn’t going to be easy. We were dealing with two very volatile sides. One that their children missing and the other who feels like they are getting blamed when their own kids were going missing. There had to be a third party in this. Someone making it look like each other were to blame. How could they not see that?

“Do we know if this pack has been taking the Nova 2.0?”


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