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Alpha's Blind Luna novel Chapter 49

***Hectors POV***

Arriving at the border of the Crescent River pack was easy but walking into the territory was even easier. I thought Auri has said they had better security since losing pups but the fact that I just walked up the road without seeing a single wolf was shocking. I was hauling ass on the road, knowing Vale was in serious shit with this group. Auri said everything that we needed to speak about would need to be done through signing and I knew he was in deep shit.

Ezekiel should have gotten here at least a few days before me. I hadn’t been able to get out of the fire Morgan and I were trying to put out for two days. It had been a fucking mess and I realized how old I felt, especially not having Auri. t The need to live up to her expectation and keep up with her was stronger than I thought.

I had spoken to Bryan a bit about the situation but I basically got the cliff notes of what was going on. Bryan was a little mad that he didn’t get to come but whatever was the issue, Vale needed muscle. Auri also was too much of a force to pull. If she stepped on the territory, a tornado would have less damage than she would bring. Vale already was keeping information under wraps for some reason. It was especially weird that he was doing that with someone from the High Council here as well.

I did a loop around the city before seeing the giant castle north of it and I figured if there was going to be a pack house, that would be it. It screamed creepy. Auri would tell me what the High Council castle looked like but this was the most sad, depressing, run down, dark, dingy castle I had ever seen. My list of adjectives to describe the house was cut short by four warriors and what I assumed was either a Beta or a Gamma rushing out to me.

Quickly, I shifted and put my hands up. “I mean you no harm. I was called here for a friend.”

Not a single one listened as they ran at me in wolf form.

'Need me?' Rydere's deep voice ran through me but I shook my head.

This was too easy. They made it too easy. I wasn’t Beta for nothing. I didn’t train with Auri for nothing. It was nearly a full blink and every single one of them were laid out on the grass, incapacitated in some way. Three more wolves came out. One being Vale, the other two were Alpha’s but I didn’t know them.

“Look, I put my hands up and they still attacked.”

“How did you get into my territory?” The middle Alpha yelled and my face mirrored Vale’s.

I pulled on some pants. “I ran. From the southern border. You should have felt an unknown pack-affiliated wolf was on your territory, Alpha. There was no patrol and I even did a lap around your city. What the fuck is with your borders?”

“Who the hell are you?” The other Alpha raged.

Vale answered this time. “High Councilor Mark, this is my friend, Hector. I asked him to come here to help beef up the defenses. As you can see, he is one of the best warriors I know.”

I smiled. “Hector Mendez, Beta of the Golden Moon pack, nice to meet you.”

My hand went out for a shake but neither Alpha’s reached for it. The Alpha of the territory was still fuming.

“The fuck did you do to my warriors?”

Looking back at them, they were slowing getting up, groaning the whole time. “I didn’t want to hurt them too bad. If they came at me any faster I might have accidentally killed them. But they are fine. So, we got a war? We gonna fight some people?” To emphasize, I ground my fist into my hand.

Vale had said to make a show of brawl and not brains. That he needed everyone to think we were working with three dumbasses. I did notice Ezekiel was missing and I thought that was odd. Usually, when the two of them were in close proximity, they were orbiting each other. They hadn’t really noticed it but it was clear to anyone who spent any time with them. We started making bets on how far we could push one before the other would move. Auri, of course, won most of the time. It was not very far.

“I did not authorize another wolf on my territory.” The Alpha growled out.

Vale smiled. “Well, he’s here to help so that your warriors don’t die. He could handle most, if not all, the vampires on their side. You should be thankful that Hector was able to take time out to come.” He shoved his hands in his pocket and shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t really care what you authorize or not. I thought it was necessary.”

“I’m the Alpha here!” My eyes widened as I stared at the Alpha. He was seriously talking to his King like that?

“You might be the Alpha, but I’m the King. Don’t like it? Suck it up.” Vale motioned me with his head. “Come on in. We need to have a chat. I’ll set you up next to the shit hole room they gave me.”

Bowing my head, I replied, “Yes, my King.”

I saw the Alpha go white and I shook my head. What the hell was going on here? How much disrespect was Vale taking? Auri said the pack was bullshit but this was beyond anything I had ever encountered. Even I was treated with more respect as a Beta. Following after Vale, I nodded to the two Alpha’s.

We walked down a couple of the hallways until we reached a small door. Vale opened it up and I looked around the room. I had seen closets that were bigger than this room. This absolutely was an insult. Had Vale really been staying here? Did he even fit on the bed? Would I fit on the bed? While I was still fairly spry, that didn’t stop my back from sounding like Snap, Crackle, Pop in the morning.

“Where is Ezekiel?”

Vale turned and his brow furrowed. “He hasn’t made it yet.”

My eyes widened. “Vale, he left the day after I got the message and I didn’t leave until two days after I got the message from Auri. I was further away. He should have already been here by now. When was the last time you talked to him?”

Suddenly, I saw the color drain from Vales face. “The day before he was supposed to leave. I got a couple texts from him telling me he was leaving and a photo of him accidentally wearing one of my shirts but I figured he was just driving.”

I nodded. “Okay, maybe he just got stuck at the border. If you get a shitty border patrol officer, and you don’t speak the language, they make you’re life miserable.”

This didn’t feel right though. He should have been here at the very least, three days ago. I needed to reach out to Auri, as soon as possible. See if she can reach out to Pipsqueak, get a pinpoint on his location. Vale was starting to pace, which was barely three steps for him in the tiny room.

“Well, in the mean time, what’s the plan? What am I here for? Especially after that oh-so-warm welcome from those two Alphas.”

The question paused whatever hole he was digging himself into. “Alpha Niles is a very particular person.”

“Why the hell are you letting them treating you like that? I mean, I don’t care but when we are out here, you are my King.”

He chuckled. “I’m not sure I can get used to that from someone who changed my diapers.”


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