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Alpha's Blind Luna novel Chapter 51

Neither Vale or I slept the rest of the night. We must have looked like zombies coming down to breakfast but no one fucked with us. Suddenly, I felt very glad Vale was avoided. He was so numb at this point, looking like a hollow shell of himself. The Alpha didn’t care but I could tell High Councilor Mark definitely gave him a few looks of confusion. Nothing was ever said out loud though.

Cracking my neck, I stretched. We needed to focus. We needed to reign in everything. We had to for the sake of the six little kids now trapped in a fucking cell.

“So where is the training grounds? I feel like beating the shit out of something.” I cracked my knuckles for emphasis.

“Sorry. We don’t allow outsiders to fight in our training grounds.”

My brow furrowed. “Why the fuck not? Wouldn’t you want to show off your might? Or learn a thing or two from wolves coming into the pack? Seems like a damn fucking shame. I wanted to beat the snot out of some pups.” I laughed but holy hell did it sound hollow.

Vale looked up at me, realizing what I was doing. I saw him take a deep breath and sit up straight. “You can spar with me, my friend. I also have been banned from sparing.”

I sat straighter. “Yes, my king. Whatever you would like.”

The entire room shifted when I said that. It was like a mixture of stunned silence and understanding. These assholes didn’t realize who the fuck they had in their presence and while Vale said he would play it down, I would not. They needed to learn some damn respect.

“Can we train in the training grounds, or is that not allowed either?”

The Alpha cleared his throat. “Sorry. The training grounds are off limits.”

I snorted. “Sure. Don’t want the entire pack finding out your warriors are shit anyways.”

The whole table growled and I raised my eyebrow. “I laid out four of you in a blink of an eye. Apparently, one was your Beta? You probably wouldn’t even be worth my time. A bunch of weak-ass…”

“Hector.” Vale threw a warning at me.

I bared my neck to him. “Sorry, my king. I got caught up.”

He sighed. “Try not to offend everyone at the table. It makes the fruit go sour.”

“Of course, my king.”

Shutting my trap, I glared at the Alpha who looked shocked still. Even the High Councilor next to him seemed shocked, which seemed odd. Taking few more bites of breakfast, I rose and rolled my shoulders. Grabbing my plate, I reached out for Vale’s empty plate.


“Least I can do, my King. Shall we change and meet outside of the castle in ten?”

Vale nodded and I smiled. It might help both of us to go through the motions of fighting. Vale could go all out with me and I could mostly go all out with him. He had gotten better but still, I never felt the same bitter rivalry I had with Auri. I took the pate into the kitchen, with the kitchen staff looking shocked at me. Smiling, I nodded to them and headed into the room to grab my training shorts and tank.

Opening the door, the Beta was leaning against the wall opposite of my door. My brow furrowed.

“You’re putting on a show right? Following a king like that?”

My eyes widened. “Are you fucking joking right now?”

The Beta seemed stunned and I watched his shoulder slip from the wall. “N…no?”

“Is that a fucking question, Beta? 'N…n…n..no?' That’s our Alpha King. You think he couldn’t flatten your ass in moments, you are sorely mistaken. All the shit you’ve done and said to him this whole time our king has been here, will come back to bite you in the ass so hard you’re going to wish for death.” I slammed the door behind me and he jumped at the noise.

“But he’s….”

I tsked. “He’s what, Beta?”

“Young and stupid and…”

“Don’t fucking finish that if you’re going to insult him cause I will take your head for speaking against our Alpha King.” I leaned in and whispered. “And it would be easy considering how weak you fucking are.” Leaning back, I shook my head and walked down the hallway. “You’re the stupid ones. All of you. Treating your king the same as you would the staff. Don’t think I saw that this is the staff quarters. You will all pay for your insolence and I am happy I’m here to fucking witness it.”

I didn’t turn and just headed out the back door of the kitchen, giving the kitchen staff a quick wave as I walked out. A few of the woman blushed and I winked. We may need to have some friends here later so it didn’t hurt to be extra friendly to the staff. Vale was waiting outside, his hands in the pockets of his shorts.

“Where do you want to spar?”

“We can just do it a little ways out. It’s a big enough clearing we shouldn’t bother anything too badly.” For the first time, I saw Vale crack smile.

I smiled as well. “Sounds good, my liege. Lead the way.”

“You going to do that this whole time?”

Nodding, I shrugged. “You know it. Maybe they will upgrade our rooms. Honestly, I don’t think my back can take those beds.

“Whatever, old man. I’ve slept perfectly find on them.”

“Vale, I’m older than your mother. Please have a little respect for my old bones.”

He snorted. “Can I beat those old bones of yours?”

I laughed. “Of course not.”

“Then shut up and fight me, old man.”

Smiling, I nodded. “Rules?”

“No shifting. No death?”


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