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Alpha's Blind Luna novel Chapter 67

I couldn’t wrap my head around what was going on. We thought there would be a tipping point. We knew that there was going to be a moment where we might see a shift. This was someone throwing a bomb onto it and blowing it to pieces. My eyes searched Pipsqueak then Bryan for this being some kind of joke. Anything that would make this better. Anything that would not destroy everything we had.

“How much of this is true?” When Vale spoke, it was low and menacing but he didn’t look up at anyone in particular.

“A surprisingly good bit of it, actually. I would say maybe about 80-85% of it.” It was Pipsqueak who answered. “It’s what makes it believable. If you really wanted to dig, you could. A lot of it would be confirmed.”

Vale grabbed the coffee table flipped it over the heads of Lucy, Felix, and AJ as it slammed into the window and shattered the glass. I winced and turned away from him.

“Fuck! Fucking damn it!” He yelled as he kicked the chair he had been sitting in and it flew into the front door.

“Vale, your anger isn’t going to fix anything.” Pipsqueak sounded like Auri and I smiled slightly.

“Oh yeah? So fucking what? This is now just out there, for everyone. This will destroy our entire way of life!” He threw his hands up. “They are blaming my mother! The High Council! What the hell am I supposed to do? I’ve got a missing mother who can’t say shit to defend herself. I’ve got a non-feeling father. Morgan isn’t here and we haven’t talk to him for weeks. Did the High Council put a comment out?”

“No. They haven’t. Honestly, it’s been all quiet there. I haven’t heard a peep out of them in a while. Outside of their correspondence with you in regards to wanting you back.”

I shook my head. Of course, Pipsqueak would know about that.

“Shit. I need to go.”

I started to block Vale. “No, no way. We were lucky they kept you mostly in a positive

light. But they are blaming the High Council. They are literally putting it all on Auri’s shoulders. Vale, you can’t just go there. If anyone tried to...”

“I can’t just abandon the High Council, Ezekiel!”

His voice was laced with with his power. I could see everyone shift under it but I stood up straighter.

“I’m not telling you to abandon them. I’m telling you that going to them isn’t going to do anything but put you in danger!”

Vale strode up to me. I held my stare with him as he towered over me. Even though my knees were weakening under his anger, his power, and his closeness. I refused to look away.

“I’m going, Ezekiel.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Then you will become Alpha of the Golden Moon pack. You will become Alpha, take your Beta and at least two warriors.”


“Yes, Vale. That is my condition for letting you go.”

Vale roared at me. “You do not decide what I can or cannot do! I am the Alpha King. And you are nothing but an Alpha playing at being a leader. Do not stand in my way, Ezekiel.”

My anger mixed with his and I took a deep breath. “You may be the Alpha King but I am your mate and Alpha of this pack and you will listen to me.”

“Make me.” Vale growled.

We glared at each other for a moment before I put my hand on his cheek. Closing my eyes, I opened up our bond wide. At first, it felt like I was drowning in his anger and fear, his disappointment and confusion. But I pushed it away. Instead, I overrode them with something more powerful. Something that I knew might break him but I would make him see reason, make him back down. I threw him and Naresh into my memories. The ones I locked away. The ones that sometimes still snuck out while I was asleep. What I had gone through while I was in the hands of the BloodHunter Coven, letting him see and live through them as I had.

Auri had taught me this technique but I had never used it. She said it was good to share memories sometimes. That it made it easier to understand one another. I had gotten a glimpse into her life before. Before Vale, before her kids. Even sometimes before her mate. It was hard, but it helped me understand how to do it because I had to fight getting drowned in her abuse she received. I knew this wasn’t what she meant it for but it was the only thing I could think of to pull Vale back a little.

I knew the minutes ticked by. It wouldn’t take nearly as long as it had been to make those memories. But it would still take a few minutes. Finally, I stepped in before a certain point and released the two of them. Vale stumbled back, falling to the floor as he looked up at me.


“You will listen to me, Vale. You either stay here and we figure this out; as a pack, as a family. Or you can go off to the High Council but you will go as Alpha, along with three people of my choosing.”

Vale was shaking. Everyone stared in equal amounts of shock and confusion. Vale’s Alpha King power had been powerful but I essentially snuffed it out much like Auri had been able to do.

“I have to agree with Ezekiel. I think being viewed as siding with the High Council right now wouldn’t be a good look. Not until they come out with a statement at the very least.” Pipsqueak chimed in. “Luckily they painted you in a good light, you would do well to stay there.”

“Hector needs to know as well.” Bryan added.

Pipsqueak chuckled. “Oh, he already knows. Paid for the broken furniture in his hotel room as well.” She paused and took a deep breath. “They are turning the world against The Huntress. There has to be a reason why they are lumping her into this theory. But until we find out and combat that, if she does come back, she may need to lay low for a while.”

“It’s not true! She didn’t do anything but fix and take down the BloodHunter Coven!” Lucy snapped back. “They can’t blame her! They can’t make it seem like she is on the same level as them or even worse by not caring about the repercussions this has on the world. After all she has done for the supernatural world! They should be groveling at her feet, kissing them for goddess sake.”

Bryan rubbed his eyes. “We know that, sweetheart. People who know her, know that but that’s nothing compared to how many supernaturals that are out there. Morgan will need to decide if he wants to put out a statement as well.”

I rolled my shoulders and looked over my pack. I let some of my Alpha aura out. All of them whipped their heads to me.

“For now, we control what we can. Bryan, start reaching out to the heads of the races with Auri’s contacts. She might not be here but they know you. Use that.”

He nodded, pulling out his phone and tablet.

“Felix, I need you and Simon to go through the patrols again. People know we are the Alpha King’s pack. We can handle them here but I don’t want the town touched. Can you do that?”


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