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Alpha's Blind Luna novel Chapter 77

I sat in the back of a taxi headed back to the hotel. The last thing on my to-do list was adding another 5 days to our stay. I worried Hector’s heat may be worse than mine or even Ezekiel’s. It had been a struggle to keep my power reigned in. It felt unruly and wild. But I did itch to see how much more power I had compared to before. There wouldn’t really be time to test it now. For now, I just needed to focus on Hector and maybe getting reconnected to the world.

The taxi stopped in front of the hotel. I grabbed my bags full of food, herbs, two laptops, and a few other necessities. Walking in, the receptionist was about to come around to grab the elevator when I stopped her. It was a quick an easy process to add another few days onto the stay and then she helped me into the elevator. As I was headed up, the door opened and the entire floor was dark. Setting the bags on the counter, I narrowed my eyes and looked around but I couldn’t see anything.

Walking into the bedroom, I saw Hector sitting with his back against the bed. Coming around, I squatted down in front of him but his eyes were closed.


He didn’t answer, only put his head in his knees. Putting my hand on his forehead, it was burning up. Sighing, I quickly removed my shirt and I pulled his head to my chest. His arms wrapped around me, sending a shiver down his spin.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think it would start this early. We need to get you up into the bath. Can you make it?”

Hector shook his head.

“Alright. I’m gonna help you up.”

Weaving my arms under his, I grunted as I hefted him up. I could tell he was trying to help walk but sometimes a wave would come over and his legs would crumble. We made it to the bathroom after a few minutes and I leaned him against the sink. Quickly, I turned and put the cold water on while I undressed him.

“I thought I knew what pain felt like. I thought I knew…” Hector squeezed his eyes shut.

Chuckling, I shook my head. “It’s not as a bad a giving birth. Trust me. You’ll be okay.”


Helping him step into the bath, he sunk down in the cool water and I could almost see the steam from his body. Kissing him on the head, I ran back into the kitchen and grabbed the herbs that I got. It wasn’t everything that we usually had but it would have to do. Wrapping it up in some cloth, I soaked it in hot water first before coming back into the bathroom and setting it into the bath. Undressing, I climbed into the bath with him. Immediately, my back was against his chest and his arms were wrapped around me. Hector’s head fell to the crook of my neck.

“This feels better.”

I smiled. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise. We will get you through this.”

A wave hit him and he squeezed me tight, his legs closing around me. Part of me was glad I wasn’t going through this for a second time. But I wanted to take the pain away from Hector as well. It was the last thing I wanted him to go through. I didn’t know if the pain was worse because of my power and I severely hoped not.

“Do you remember when it started?”

He shook his head against me.

“It’s okay. The pain will be over soon. You’ll get a little reprieve before the actual heat kicks in.”

“You don’t…I mean…”

I growled and turned to look at him. “Don’t you dare, Hector. You’re my mate. I’m not going to just abandon you. What the hell?”

He sighed and his body slumped against mine. There was no fight left in him, not with how much pain he was in. I knew there wouldn’t be any fight while he was going through the rest of the heat but I worried. Hector still didn’t think of us as real mates and it hurt. It hurt but there was only so much I could do. Whatever happened moving forward, I would need to just take in stride.

“Do you remember the first day we met?” I leaned my head against him.

“Which one? The first or the second?”

I chuckled. “The first.”

“You mean when you made all three of us nearly pee our pants? I remember watching you, this epitome of power and yet still a complete mystery.” He stopped, a wave of pain hitting him.

“I honestly couldn’t believe that any werewolves would be dumb enough to try and get in the middle of one of my operations. But there you three were. Trying to steal documents from the office we were planning on burning to the ground.”

Hector’s chest rumbled. “We weren’t planning on getting caught. We didn’t take into consideration…”

“My heightened hearing? Obviously.” I paused and smiled at the memory. “You three ended up strapped to some chairs while Oscar was trying to get information out of you. I think it was the first time in a while that I actually had Kai come forward during an operation. I needed to see the three idiot wolves.”

Shaking his head, he sighed. “I remember staring at you, taking in all your bad-ass-ery. I figured you already had a mate, considering you looked at least as old as I was.”

“Wishful thinking. I had just turned sixteen I think.”

Hector snorted. “Yeah, let’s not go there. Still though, I felt a draw to you. I knew it wasn’t a mate bond but still…it was there.”

“You could almost say the goddess knew we would end up together in the end. Setting us up at second chance mates.”

“Those don’t exist, Auri.” His voice was barely above a whisper.

I brushed my hand over his cheek, letting the sparks fly between us. “Why not? Why can’t they? Why can’t we? Is that really so hard to believe?”

He was quiet and I knew he was still struggling. Turning around, I put my hands on his face and forced him to look at me.

“Hector, I love you. I always have. You are mine as I am yours. Stop thinking about the way it happened. Please, I’m begging you.”

His eyes searched mine for a while but then I kissed him. Our lips moving together as his hands held my waist, our bodies meshed together. Hector was so gentle and I knew it hadn’t worked. My plea would only reach Rydere but not Hector. I wanted to growl in frustration but when we broke, he leaned his forehead against mine.

“I’m sorry, Auri. I’m so sorry.”

I leaned back to look him in the eyes, to try and search what he was saying sorry for. His eyes turned dark though and his grip slid down to my ass, tightening. My mind started to race. It was unheard of to go straight into the heat from the pain but between his eyes and the raging hard-on he had, somehow he had skipped over the reprieve. Taking a deep breath, I took in his pheromones and growled. His lips captured mine and he pulled me tight, his fingers digging into my skin.

“To bed, Hector. Please. I need you.”

Almost robotically, he stood up and carried me to the bedroom. We were both soaking still from the tub but it didn’t matter. Nothing matter than his hands all over my body, our bodies meshed together, and not a single breath wasted. His lips only left mine to kiss breasts, bite my collar, or just taste my skin. The ecstasy overwrote everything and I sank into the fever of his pleasure and heat.


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