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Alpha's Blind Luna novel Chapter 94

Walking back into the meeting, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. A lot of the Alphas had already come back and a loud argument was already starting. Shaking my head, I stood in front of my seat. AJ and Bryan flanked me again. Týr nodded to me and I smiled back. Most of these Alphas were older than me by at least ten years, if not more. Grabbing one of the paperweights, I knocked the table a few times, grabbing everyones attention. A hush fell over the room as they looked to me. Standing up straight, I gestured to the table.

“I have been listening to everyone and it seems we have hit a roadblock.” I waited for anyone to disagree and when they didn’t, I continued. “We all are having a different issue with our neighbors. Whether it be other packs, covens, or fey. I think the only way to come to a consensus, one that everyone will listen to, is having the Kings pass the treaties that affect every single one of their people.”

There was silence only for a moment before the Alphas raised their voices, shouting at one another. I banged the paperweight on the table, hushing everyone again.

“Each one of you want something. The problem is, each one of you have different priorities. That’s what makes us wolves. Our packs are different and I don’t intend on taking that away. I don’t want to touch your pack politics, how you run your packs, or where they are. That’s not my intention unless you break our own laws. What I’m speaking directly of is working with the Kings to help facilitate peace between all the races. Not the High Council.

We’ve had enough of the High Council and I think it’s time we start focusing inwardly to our own race. First making sure our people are safe and that we don’t have more bloodshed when it’s completely preventable. Now, I can’t have everyone yelling and talking all at once. It’s ridiculous and no one is going to be heard when everyone wants to be heard.”

I took a deep breath. “Here is how the rest of the meeting is going to go. Individually, we are going to hear from each Alpha of what they are looking for and what an ideal agreement looks like to them. I don’t care if it isn’t your ideal agreement, I want to hear everyones. Then, tomorrow, we are going to have a discussion. I’m going to put together a more extensive request of the other races. But we need to be willing to compromise as well. It can’t be us trying to limit all other races but not changing ourselves. That’s not how this works.”

“So what you want from us are the things we are looking for from the other races? Such as respecting our borders and official requests to come onto the land?” Týr asked, looking at me seriously.

Nodding, I sat down at the table. “Yes. That’s exactly it. I may also add in additional issues as well that I want to have cleared up. That is what I want right now as we go around the table.”

“And tomorrow you want us to…go over things we are willing to let go?” One of the other Alphas asked.


Týr rubbed his chin and the room was so quiet that you could hear the beard scratching against his fingers. “Like what?”

I pursed my lips. “Like getting rid of Nova 2.0.”

The whole room erupted again in noise and growling. I slammed the paperweight down on the table but this time a little too hard and it shattered over the table. This really shut everyone one and I let my power seep into the room, just a little bit. Naresh was sitting near the front as well.

“We are not going to get everything we want. There needs to be some give and take. I’ve been running around dealing with small attacks and issue that could have usually been talked out. The other races are scared.”

“As they should be.” One of the Alphas growled out.

I growled louder though. “No, they shouldn’t. They shouldn’t fear us. Fear leads to irrational decisions. It leads to war and death and at the end of the day you realize that it was never worth it. You lose everything and for what? Because you wanted to be feared? Wanted to be on the top of the food chain? Do you plan on eating the fey and vampires?”

His lips turned up in disgust.

“That’s what I thought. What is going to happen is I’m going to provide some options. Things I have continuously heard from the other races that they are worried about us, about werewolves. Things that we need to change. Because if we don’t changes, we can’t ask for them to abide by anything we want. Is that understood?”

They all nodded, settling down into their chairs.

“We are going to go around this table twice. I know it’s putting the first couple of Alphas on the spot and they may think of something else as we go around. So we will go around twice. If you have no changes you wish to make just say ‘pass’. However, I want you to start with your name and your pack for the record.”

Motioning to AJ and Bryan, they were sitting next to me. Bryan had a pen and paper while AJ had a laptop. Both were fast in their own right and I would rather have one perfect paper rather than two that were incomplete.

“Tomorrow, we will come back and have a further discussion about changes we as a race are willing to make. We will rank them at the time for things we can do easily, verses things that are harder to do. From there, I will also be working with other Alphas. My mate is already reaching out to them with the same requests. Once I get a more extensive list for everyone, I will be working on talks with the other kings to ensure that our voice is not only heard, but that we enact real change. Not a hearing in a council. A treaty of the most powerful of their races.”

Bryan nodded to me. “Shall we begin?”

I nodded, leaning back in my seat, settling in to be more comfortable. Waving at the Alpha on my left, he stood up awkwardly.

“Alpha Beretti, of the Highfang Pack, sire.”

Smiling, I tipped my head to him. “You have the floor, Alpha Beretti.”

“Yes. I…um…” A few of the other Alphas chuckled but I silenced them with a glare. “We are having issue with the fey on our territory. We have always shared the forest and had no real issues. We want to make sure that the fey understand that the forest isn’t just theirs. We are wolves, we also want to run free. The territory line was marked hundred of years ago. I don’t mind if they come on the territory but they need to have prior authorization so I don’t have any pups or warriors thinking they are they to steal or harm anyone.”

Alpha Beretti continued to talk and I listened to Bryan’s scrawling along with AJ’s typing. Nodding, I let a smile settle on my face. Týr also was smiling further down the table and when his eyes caught mine, he tipped his head to me. The first time I think my brother had actually acknowledged me in any way.


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