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Alpha's Blind Luna novel Chapter 98

I was never one to really cry. I’d done it a few times but this woman made me want to burst into tears. To cower in the seat as her just passive power washed over us. I was trying to keep myself from shaking but it meant my leg was jumping up and down at a ridiculous pace. Zeke though seemed nervous but not the same way as I was.

“You’re…you’re Pipsqueak’s contact?”

Her eyebrow rose for a moment before she nodded. “That’s right. I was told that I would be meeting someone tonight who needed my help. She didn’t give me much more details than that.”

Zeke started to move closer to her and I slammed down my hand on his thigh, hard. His eyes looked down at my hand and then up at my face. I kept it as passive as I could but trying to warn him not to go any closer to her. She seemed to be watching this exchange but her eyes were mostly on Zeke.

“We were requesting to speak to the Fey King. We are wanting to have a meeting with all the leaders. The Mother Witch and Vampire King have already agreed on the meeting. The last is the Fey King but I haven’t been able to get into contact with him.”

She cocked her head to the side, curious as she looked at me. Her arms crossed over her chest after a moment and she wrinkled her nose. “Why should I help you?”

“Because…” Zeke started to stand again, his voice sounded slightly desperate.

I pushed him back down in the seat as I saw her staring him down. His mouth shut and his head bowed down.

“What I am trying to do, is find a way forward for our kind. One that we can have peace without all the fighting between each other. It’s obvious that the High Council may have worked on the surface but there was always going to be a time they would fail. I want to go higher. I am the King and if I can speak with the other leaders, I think we can find a way forward that suits everyone.”

Estel narrowed her eyes for a moment and then leaned forward. “I know of your crusade, Alpha King. Not that I believe in it but…”

“Why not? This is your kind! Your life.”

She chuckled but it came out far more hollow than I think even she realized. “I don’t have a kind, young pup. I have my small family I keep safe. But I’ve done much to be left alone and continue to do so. I won’t be changed by your little plight to the other leaders because even they can’t control every single one of their groups.”

I wanted to growl and argue but Zeke put his hand on my arm. Taking a deep breath, I settled down my anger and my nerves. “So you won’t help us?”

“I never said that. But what do I get if I do this?”

“What do you want?”

Estel hums for a moment before a smirk comes to her face. “Your mate.”

“Excuse me?” I was up, hands flat on the table, growling.

Zeke tried to pull me back. “Vale, stop.”

“I want to speak to your mate for…let’s say…30 minutes. You can wait your ass outside or you can go back to wherever you are staying. Whatever you want to do, you will leave him with me.” She smiled back at the band. “And the boys.”

Shaking my head, I took Zeke’s wrist. “No. We will find another way.”

“Vale! Stop! This is an easy ask.” He pulled against my hold but I held tight.

Leaning in, I locked eyes with him. “I will not leave you alone with her. End of story.”

“It’s worth it, Vale. It means you get your chat with the Fey King. She isn’t going to hurt me.”

“You don’t know that.” I spat out. “I’m not taking that chance. I don’t trust her. Not with you.”

Zeke finally yanked his hand out of my hold. “Then trust me. It’s only half an hour. Trust me. You can wait outside. I’ll be fine. Let me do this.”


I ran my hand down my face. 'I know. I know. This is the stupidest fucking idea.'

'Vale, she’s too powerful. You have no idea what she is capable of.'

'I know, Naresh. I fucking know. But not only do we need to get into contact with the Fey King but if I keep pushing it’s going to make it look like I don’t trust Zeke.'

He huffed. 'I’d rather have him upset at us than dead.'

Growling, I pinched the bridge of my nose. “I don’t like this.”

“I know. Trust me though. Please.”

My eyes met Zeke’s as he pleaded with me. Looking at Estel didn’t help because she was smirking with her arms crossed over her body again. She was leaning back in the chair, it tipped on the back two legs. I wanted to pull it up so she fell but it would only get my ass kicked I was sure of it. Chewing on the inside of my cheek, I finally nodded.

“Thirty minutes. A second later and I’m burning this place down to the ground.”

“You better not, Alpha King.” Camilla yelled from across the room and it did cut some of the tension that I had built up.

Zeke kissed my cheek and then my lips. “Trust me. I’ll get the information and be out in a moment.”

Taking a deep breath, I slipped out of the booth and stomped towards the exit. I looked back and Estel had slipped into the booth where I was and they were close, already talking. My nostrils flared but I continued out, slamming the entrance door hard behind me. The bouncer was standing off to the side of the building with a few of the waiters as they smoked some cigarettes. Another inhale and exhale, I set my phone to go off in thirty minutes and headed over to them.

“Mind if I bum a cigarette?”

A couple of their eyes went wide, since they were actual werewolves. The bouncer who had taken my name was also surprised. However, they were willing to hand me a couple and a light to get me started. It had been years since I smoked probably more than five. I’d done it once or twice with Zeke but it was never really my thing. Right now though, my anxiety level was through the roof and I needed something to calm me down if I was going to make it through the next thirty minutes.

“Where is your mate?” The bouncer asked finally after about five minutes of me standing there with them as I smoked.

I motioned to the building. “Talking with Estel. Apparently, it was the only way I was going to get what I needed.”

He chuckled and nodded. “Ms. Storm is truly incredible. Talented and kind. She is crazy powerful but she slums it with us a lot of times. Plus, she is so family focused.”

I raised my eyebrow. “Family? I thought her mate wasn’t around.”

Chapter 98 1


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