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Alpha's Last Minute Bride novel Chapter 5

Daniel’s POV


I couldn’t express my happiness when I lifted my gaze from the floor and felt a rush of emotion swirl straight to my heart as my mate made her way down the aisle all dressed up in a pretty white wedding gown. The wedding gown they had chosen for her was perfect for her figure, it left me wondering whether they had already planned this all incident or they had planned her marriage to someone else who was not me.

I felt instant rage at that thought.

‘Okay, fine! Don’t spoil our mood by thinking all those stupid thoughts.’, My wolf suggested. “Our mate looks so beautiful in her wedding gown.’, He added and I couldn’t help myself from agreeing with him.

I tried to hide any more emotions from my face as Evangeline reached near me.

‘Her name is too long. How about we call her ‘Angel’?’,

‘Not bad. I liked it.’

‘Our mate, Our angel’, He said and the whole time my eyes were on her. Her hands-on her father shook and her eyes were on the ground. Not once did she look my way. Well, what else could I expect from a bride who was blackmailed to marry?

Her father didn’t look happy as he let go of her hands so that she could stand opposite to me. Nor her stepmother. Talking about my family, even they didn’t look happy at all.


Because half of them had thought that I was getting married to a weak human just for the sake of the pack. While others were feeling sorry for my mate because they knew what kind of person I was!

Angel? On the other hand, I couldn’t figure out what she was thinking or feeling and she was the one I actually wanted to know about.

Did any part of her want this wedding to happen?

And should it matter to me?

“Please hold her hands.”, The father ordered. Angel forwarded her hands toward me and I didn’t waste any single second to hold it. The spark ran all around my body when her small warm hand clasped around mine.

I knew even she could feel the same but just because I was an Alpha, the feeling was ten times stronger than any human.

As the ceremony started, my wolf started dancing in joy because this time he was ready for the wedding unlike yesterday, he was actually happy today.

“I do”

“I do”

And with those two words, I finally got my mate, my mate as my wife now.

It sounds so good.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!”

My body was excited and felt over the moon after hearing this.

Kiss the bride!

I want to kiss her senselessly but observe her discomfort. I was not sure whether it was a good idea or not. She wasn’t looking directly at me as if she was avoiding my eyes for some reason.

I hated that.

I wanted her to look at me just like I was looking at her. My eyes fell on her pretty pink lips and I had a deep urge to claim it as soon as possible. I lifted her veil and lifted her chin to make her look at me but she had already closed her eyes.

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