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Alpha's Nala novel Chapter 37

Michael Angelo

Presently, together with my group, we started the process of checking in only to be told to wait for another five minutes.

Weak and tired, we could only agree.

Twenty minutes already passed, and still no key to our rooms...

I groaned my frustration and started marching towards Geneva, the front office staff assigned to handle our registration.

Geneva, upon seeing me, shot me an anxious look. She politely excused herself and from there, she approached Heinz.

“Our contract,” Lucky murmured by my side, “it's still not here…” he added with a frown.

Lucky, among my men, has the most sensitive werewolf ears. He can hear even the smallest raindrop when it hits the ground.

Superpower they may say, but we prefer to call it a gift since Lucky was deaf before...

He was only seventeen when rogues attacked our west border. Lucky, as a newly trained BETA, was assigned to do border duty at that time and, as proud as he was, he tackled the danger head-on.

Treating it as somewhat one of our training sessions — foolish, I know…

Obviously, he was injured. But the most damaged he gained was the loss of his hearing since the rogues brought a bomb and detonate it during a fight.

Lucky was too close for comfort to the explosion, causing his eardrum to explode as well.

It broke him, to be honest.

He almost gave up the BETA position and requested to die since he can't accept the fact that he turned deaf.

Until Nala came.

For some unknown Miracle, Nala brought back Lucky's sense of hearing through prayers to the Moon Goddess. It was impossible at first but she made us believe that it would be possible.

As persuasive as she was, she got all of us to pray for Lucky's healing and after over a month, miraculously, my beta's hearing was back.

Though, he also attained the gift.

“What contract are you saying?”

I eyed my Beta, completely baffled.

“It's the one where our inclusive and exclusive of goods and services are mentioned since we are under a promo.” he paused and I noticed him tilting his head to the side — he was listening.

“This team needs to have it so they could input it into their database. And since you are here, they will require you to sign it… for approval purposes,” he simply explains.

“Pity,” I muttered.

Heinz, after talking with Geneva, faced me. He explained the same thing as Lucky did and that brought me to think of the worst-case scenario to our signup process.

“Well, where is it anyway?”

I snapped.

“The last time we checked, it was with our General Manager for a sign of approval. Let me make a quick call her and try to verify it's — ”

“Excuse me, sir Heinz, Ms. Dyme is on her way. She has the contract.”

Geneva shakily reports.

Heinz lets out a sigh of relief.

“Could really count on that girl.” he murmured and then turn his attention back to me.

“Just give us a minute your Highness. Our GM's secretary will be here with the said contract. Highly apologies for the inconvenience though.” he bowed but I motioned him not to.

“That is fine. As long as you could guarantee me that I'll get my rest tonight.” I stated, running a hand to my tired face.

Heinz only nodded and left me to wait, which I did with Blessy sleeping on my arms now —she passed out fifteen minutes ago.

Satisfyingly, it didn't take long — as promised.

Heinz called me to the front desk for the contract was near.

Since I will be signing a paper, I decided to hand Blessy to Jay and continued waiting at the counter.

Chapter 37. Vacation! Destination: NALA 1


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