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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 1519

Chapter 1519 Picking Up Brides

It turned out that he had always remembered this.

After changing into her wedding dress, Tessa walked out of the dressing room, stunning everyone.

"You look gorgeous today, Tess," Sabrina complimented without hesitation.

Tessa looked at herself in the mirror, her lips curving into a sweet smile. Then, she turned to Sabrina, who was also wearing a white wedding dress, and remarked with a smile, "You too, gorg."

At 8.00AM, the two finally finished their makeup and went to the rendezvous point where the grooms would pick them up.

The moment Tessa entered, she saw Stefania in attendance. "I knew this dress would look great on you." Stefania looked at her with admiration.

Hearing that, Tessa blushed and thought of the matter she had heard from Sabrina on the way here. She pouted and said coquettishly, "Mom, you and Nicholas have kept me completely in the dark."

"It was his idea to surprise you." Stefania tossed the blame onto Nicholas and affectionately took Tessa's hand with a smile. "When Nicholas picks you up later, I'll be sure to let your brother and the others make things difficult for him."

On the side, Gregory and Gordon nodded along. "Daddy has to promise to let Mommy sleep with us on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays before he can come in."

Everyone laughed at the children's words. Someone could not resist teasing them and asked, "Does your daddy not let you sleep with Mommy in general?"

"He doesn't. Daddy is bad. Mommy promised to sleep with us, but he always secretly takes her away in the middle of the night." Gregory huffed indignantly.

Gordon nodded in agreement. "Bad Daddy."

Everyone laughed even more heartily at this. At the same time, many were secretly surprised at how Nicholas behaved in private.

Chapter 1519 1

Chapter 1519 2


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