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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 193

Chapter 193 

Elizabeth smiled and answered, “All right. Why are you so embarrassed that I have to bring your lunch? Are you afraid that the rest of the people at work might see you as a baby? Well, you’ll always be a baby in my eyes.” 

Margaret could not deny that it indeed felt that way. 

After Elizabeth left, Margaret took her time to enjoy her meal. Everyone had already left the office by now. Suddenly, Margaret sensed someone approaching. Hence, she raised her head only to see Megan before her. 

“I’ve got to say, you’re quite impressive, Margaret. I can’t believe you forced Christopher to leave me.” As usual, Megan was looking haughty as ever. 

“Touché. Any woman would do the same. Considering all the things you’ve done to me, it’s too bad I couldn’t return the favor,” Margaret said as she continued to eat. 

“Bah! Christopher doesn’t even like you. Otherwise, why would he still protect me even after he found out I was the one who knocked you over with my car and caused your miscarriage? You think you’re all that? Please. The only reason he hasn’t divorced you is because he wants to torture you slowly and get his revenge. Now that your father is dead, he has to settle his score with you. He doesn’t love you. Stop getting in over your head.” Megan gritted her teeth while talking. At that moment, she wanted nothing more than to rip Margaret to shreds. 

“It doesn’t matter if he loves me or not. I don’t love him anyway. Since he doesn’t want to divorce me, he can go ahead and torture me all he wants. However, I have the right to make things better for myself. Hence, it’s only natural that I remove threats like you away from his side. Wouldn’t you say so?” Margaret was completely disgusted by Megan’s words, but she held it in. Right now, she had to put on a winning attitude, as she knew that whoever lost self-control first would lose. 


Chapter 193 1


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