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Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman novel Chapter 92

Mandy was being very rude when she implied that Jean would be considered second hand if she was dumped by Zed.

It was a ridiculous notion!

Jean was about to contradict Mandy when the car screeched to a halt. Both she and Mandy were thrown forward abruptly. Fortunately, they didn't get hurt.

"Ethan, what's ..."

"Miss Chen, I've brought you this far. You should be able to call a cab and go home by yourself." Ethan spoke calmly, however, his expression was extremely cold.

Both, Mandy and Jean were startled.

"But... Ethan, I haven't reached home yet. Didn't you ..."

"Sorry. I'm in a hurry to take Jean to her company. Could you please get off here?" Ethan stared out of the windscreen and didn't look at Mandy as he spoke.

Mandy froze in place as she understood what was happening. She clenched her teeth. Although she was angry, she couldn't get mad in front of Ethan. She had to get out of the car. Even before she had closed the door properly, the car sped away.

There was nothing left for Mandy to do except swat away the dust plumes that were left behind by the speeding car. She hadn't even gotten the chance to ask Ethan when they could get together again!

Jean's day had started off on a bad note. As the day progressed, her situation seemed to be getting worse, first with the awkward breakfast incident, the notions Sean had about working women, the way Zed left her on the side of the road, and the encounter with Ethan and Mandy. However, Jean now felt a smile coming on. What Ethan had done soothed her. She looked around and asked, "Didn't you say that it's not easy to grab a cab here? Aren't you afraid that she might get angry because you dropped her in the middle of nowhere?"

"I don't care whether or not Mandy is upset by what I did." Ethan muttered as he focused on the road. When Jean didn't reply, he glanced at her in the rearview mirror, "Weren't you going to cut off from Zed? What changed your mind?"

She lowered her eyes and said, "Ethan, that is my business. I'm running late. Could you please drive faster?"

Unhappy with Jean's reply, Ethan stayed silent as he stepped on the accelerator.

When Ethan pulled up in front of the company building, it was five minutes to nine. Jean had no time to thank Ethan as she flew out of the car, rushed through the doors toward the machine, and clocked in. It was only then that she leaned against the wall and sighed in relief.

There was a lot of work to do today. Jean didn't leave her desk except to drink some water and go to the restroom. The company even ordered takeout for lunch.


When Jean entered the gate to Zed's villa, it was almost seven in the evening. The whole house was brightly lit.

Jean hesitated at the door for a long time and kept wondering how she would explain her late return. Seven o'clock was not too late, but it was already dark. Sean was so traditional that she wondered if he would be displeased about her getting off work late.

Eventually, Jean had no choice but to head inside.

She was surprised to find that the living and dining rooms were empty, even though all the lights were switched on. Jean searched from room to room, but only found Zelda in the kitchen. Jean gave a sigh of relief as she walked into the kitchen and asked, "Zelda, where did dad and mom go?"

"They went to a party. You must be hungry now. What would you like to eat? I will cook for you."

Jean rubbed her stomach at the mention of food. She was really hungry. She thought for a second and smiled, "Zelda, you can cook me anything you like. I'm not a picky eater."

"Is Mr. Zed coming home for dinner?"

"He ..." She paused and shook her head, "He has a social engagement this evening. He's not coming back in time for dinner."

Just as Jean finished speaking, the door swung open.

Zelda looked a little confused when she saw that Zed had entered.

"Heh, heh, heh, um ... He must have canceled his plans." She whispered to Zelda and cleared her throat, "Zelda, I'm going to take a bath." She ran upstairs in a hurry before Zed or Zelda could say anything.


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