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Auctioned Mates Revenge novel Chapter 12

#Chapter 12 Armand 

Hovering just outside the cave was a small helicopter I had no idea who was inside it or how long it had been since the cable car crashed, but it didn‘t matter. We were saved and never again would I agree to climb any sort of mountain in the middle of the night. 

A metal and fabric ladder clattered from the door down to us Matt helped me onto the ladder and climbed up after me. There were two men inside. One in the pilot‘s seat, and the other helping me inside He looked about our age and wore vintage sunglasses with his vintage helmet His skin was a reddish bronze as if he spent a lot of time in the sun 

He grinned, “Welcome aboard, Miss Renda. We‘ve got hot cocoal” 

I tried to smile, but I couldn‘t manage it as he wrapped a blanket around my shoulders and helped me into a seat. Matt climbed up after me, taking a moment to pat the man on his helmet 

“Hurry up and get us back.” 

The man gave him a mock salute before pulling up the ladder and closing the door. Matt walked across the small cockpit and pulled a pair of pants out of a compartment that seemed to fit him. 

He walked towards me and settled into the seat beside me as he shrugged on a t–shirt. The helicopter tipped and moved away from the mountain. As Looming Height faded into the distance, I felt a bit more at peace.

We ascended over the snow-capped top and my heart lightened a little as the snow sparkled in the sunlight.

Fluorite was in a lush valley near flat land. The area around it was barely high enough to be called a mountain. Seeing snow capped mountains and the sparkling sea at sunset were things Angelia and I planned to do since we were children.

Angelia, where are you?

The main pilot was quiet, but the co–pilot who greeted us introduced himself as Armand. As he continued to chat, I was grateful that he wasn‘t piloting. 

“This is my pilot trainee, Jacob!” Armand said with a grin. “It‘s so nice not to have to pay attention...” 

Though Armand said he had plenty of experience, his words didn’t give me any comfort. He went on about Looming Height’s myths and other things that I didn‘t want to hear about. I blocked out Armand’s voice as we flew through the air.

When we finally landed, I thanked Jacob and Armand for saving us and followed Matt to the awaiting car. The drive from the landing place to Matt’s home was short, and there was a doctor there waiting for us outside the house.

The man looked at Matt with a concerned gaze.

“I’m fine,” Matt said, jerking his thumb at me. “Check her.” 

I shook my head, backing away, but Matt gave me a look that had me lowering my head and complying.

The doctor smiled at me kindly. “A minor check-up, nothing too in–depth.” 

It wasn‘t terrible, but it was a bit uncomfortable. I had never liked doctors even before being subjected to monthly, invasive examinations at Larry‘s, but this doctor was honest and the exam was over quickly. 

When the exam was done, I heard Armand’s voice booming from the kitchen, and Matt was gone. 

Miss Renda, any requests?” Armand asked, waving a frying pan. “The boss never has one.”

I shook my head, sitting at the bar. Armand had changed into a neat pair of slacks and a button-up. It seemed like he was Matt’s butler or something


“You look curious,” Armand said, pulling something out of a cabinet. “Ask whatever you want. I’m an open book.” 

“How... did you come to work for Mr. Wallber?” 

He frowned and shook his head, “Right. Matt. He saved my life, so I‘m repaying a debt of sorts.” 

I didn‘t listen to the rest of the story, too shocked by the idea and still processing everything that had happened. I had never imagined anyone tied to the Wallber name as someone who would save anyone’s life, and Matt had saved us both. 

Maybe Matt didn’t know who I was and just cared about the whore he’d purchased not being damaged, but something told me that wasn’t the case. His expression back in the cave wasn’t the look of someone worried about their property being damaged.

What was I supposed to make of it? Had I been wrong about hating the Wallbers all this time? 

“Where is Matt?”

“Probably asleep.” Armand said. “He shifted, right? Takes a lot out of him. He should be up and about by dinner.”

I nodded and slipped from my seat, “... think I‘ll take a nap 100.”

“I‘ll call when dinner’s ready! You should dress up. There will be guests!” 

Chapter 12 1

Chapter 12 2

Chapter 12 3

I almost choked on my food while listening to them. Were they serious? I glanced towards the rest of the room. There were only the four of us in the dining room. The living room was where everyone else had gone.


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