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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 622

Had it not been for Sarah mentioning Kaleb's name, Violette would have entirely forgotten about this man's existence. After their break-up six years ago, Violette had completely given up on him.

Since falling in love with Elijah, her heart and mind had no room for anyone else, so how could she possibly snatch Kaleb away, as Sarah claimed?

It was entirely absurd, ludicrous even!

The bodyguard nearby saw Sarah lash out and quickly sprinted over, landing a heavy kick on Sarah's waist.

Sarah, in pain, released her hold on Violette's hair and toppled onto the ground.

"I'm pregnant! You kicked me! If anything happens to my child, I'll make you pay!" Sarah lay on the ground, and her face was streaming with tears.

The surrounding security guards and secretaries rushed over. One secretary, seeing Violette's disheveled hair, immediately helped her up. "Boss, are you okay? Let's go inside. I'll fix your hair for you."

Violette's almond-shaped eyes were bloodshot, staring at Sarah on the ground.

"Boss, how do we handle this crazy woman?" A security guard asked.

Violette instructed sternly, "Move her and her car away immediately. Don't let her leave! I need to settle this with her later!"

One of the security guards pulled Sarah up while another found the car keys in her bag. Soon, the red BMW, along with Sarah, vanished from sight.

Violette winced in pain as the secretary gently combed her hair. Despite the careful movements, her scalp still throbbed.

How furious must Sarah have been to use such force? There was no way all of this happened without reason. Sarah must have seen her with Kaleb, prompting her to confront Violette.

But she hadn't met Kaleb at all. There must’ve been some misunderstanding.

"Ms. Violette, I think your scalp is injured. Why don't we leave your hair down?" the secretary suggested, noticing Violette's reddened eyes.

Chapter 622 1

Chapter 622 2


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