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Back and Better book novel Chapter 34

Chapter Thirty-Four

Amira POV

When Erebus finishes off with me he leaves me on the X, panting from the scene. I never kn masochist but when the vibrator was mixed with the paddle, the pain and pleasure mixed to maximize the pain.

“Although I’d love to taste you, you still need some energy for Christian and Damon. Christian will be her in just a minute.”

Before leaving Erebus kisses me deeply, leaving me even more out of breath than I already am.

I can only thank the Goddess that I have a lot of energy and stamina as a white wolf. Because if I didn’t… I wouldn’t be able to physically handle anything more. But I can, and despite being tired, I know I’ll be able to take more.

The blindfold is still on, and I have to say, loosing sight seriously heightens my sensitivity to touch. Almost painfully so, but I love it.

I turn my head towards the doorway when I hear it open and close. Christian’s here. I hear him take steps towards me, before the ruffling of clothing gives away that he’s stripping.

After about thirty seconds the ruffling stops, making way for silence before I feel a hand brush my n****e, causing me to jump.

. I feel Christian slowly undo all of my restraints, causing me to sag slightly. Scooping me up in a bridal hold he carries be away from the wooden X, before dropping me on what must be the bed. Without speaking he positions me spread-eagle before securing me in place with padded leather cuffs. The material is soft on my wrists and ankles, definitely a relief after the metal cuffs on the cross.

Once I’m effectively stuck in place, Christian hums in approval. I feel him running a finger along my folds. “Mmm, you are wet.”

His fingers leave my slick rfolds and I hear sucking noises, indicating that he’s licking my juices off of his fingers.

“And you’re f*****g delicious,” he murmurs seductively.

His fingers return to my core, and he uses both thumbs to spread my folds before I feel his tongue come in contact with me. I let out a squeal that turns into a gasp as his skillful tongue maneuvers my p***y, alternating teasing around my

clit with plunging inside of me.

“Exquisite,” he whispers, before continuing.

Moans are continuously escaping my mouth, seeming to only spurn Christian on. He licks and teases until I can hardly stand anymore, before suddenly retreating.

I let out a whimper at the loss of my contact because I was about to climax, but his lack of presence is quickly diminished when I feel him running his c**k along my folds. I can tell he’s wearing a condom, but the sensation is still absolutely incredible. My breathing picks up speed even more than it did when he was eating me out.

“Oh, Goddess… Oh, f**k!”

Chapter 34 1

Chapter 34 2

Chapter 34 3


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