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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 103

Chapter 103 

Is this really an authentic piece by Harold Delacruz?Carlisle asked, eyeing the old man skeptically

The old man chuckled awkwardly and said, I can’t guarantee that. You’ll have to judge for yourself.” 

Pointing at the Thousand Stallionspainting, Carlisle said, Let me see that Thousand Stallionspainting first.” 

The old man retrieved a pair of white cotton gloves from his pocket and carefully untied the cotton rope binding the scroll before unveiling it

Carlisle picked up a magnifying glass and began examining the painting closely

The old man said, Given your family’s probably extensive collection of antiques, I assume you know a thing or two about them, right?” 

Carlisle replied casually, A little.” 

The old man chuckled again. You’re quite modest.” 

Carlisle carefully examined the details of the horseshooves through the magnifying glass and then inspected the seals

With a sigh, he shook his head and said, Show me the other painting.” 

Without much ado, the old man rolled up the painting and placed it back in the wooden box. He then opened the scroll containing the Galloping Horsespainting

Carlisle continued his careful examination with the magnifying glass

Not far away, Wanda sat on the bench. She rested her chin on her hands, admiring the serious Carlisle

It was a shame her phone had died, or she would’ve taken more pictures of him

Suddenly, a chilling voice from outside interrupted her thoughts

Is this the place?” 

Yes, this is it.” 

Mr. Gust, please

Mr. Thompson, please, after you!” 

Wanda stood up abruptly and dashed toward Carlisle, her voice quivering as she said, Carlisle, my dad’s 


Carlisle raised an eyebrow. Really? That’s such a coincidence!” 

Wanda looked at the old man and said, Sir, I need a place to hide!” 

Pointing to a warehouse behind him, the old man said, Go in there, but be careful not to knock over any porcelain.” 


Wanda hesitated for a moment. She bit her lip and entered the dark storage room, closing the door behind her

Carlisle inquired, I’ll take this Galloping Horsespainting. How much is it?” 

The old man clicked his tongue. You must be familiar with the antique market’s rules, right?” 

No returns, and no refunds,Carlisle said

He had seen quite a few movies about antiques in his previous life and remembered some of the jargon

The old man let out a chuckle and said, For an average buyer, I’d sell this painting for 300 thousand dollars. But given your special status, I’ll give it to you for 150 thousand.” 

Carlisle shook his head. The seals on this painting aren’t authentic, and the details on the horseshooves 

need improvement. It’s not worth the asking price.” 

The old man looked at Carlisle in surprise and then grumbled, Well, 120 thousand dollars will do.” 

Carlisle dismissed the painting with a wave. I could pick this up for 60 thousand dollars just for fun!” 


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