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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 12

Chapter 12 

Some years back, Gerard had made a fortune selling illegal CDs. Hence, he managed to buy a house and 

a car in the county

Although he hasn’t been making much for the past few years, he still had a hefty saving of several tens of 


He wasn’t considered wealthy, but he was also slightly above the middle class 

Gordon could tell from the shock in Gerard’s eyes that Carlisle had guessed correctly

Gerard had made a fortune

It just so happened that he had lost his job recently. Who knows? His brother might even allow him to 

work for him

Although the chances were low, he knew he had to succumb during times of need for the sake of his 


Gerard picked up the cup and took a sip. I didn’t make much, just enough to afford two Santanas!” 

Two Santanas were equivalent to almost 500 thousand dollars

Gordon’s eyes shone brightly. What are you doing to earn so much money? Why don’t you let me join you

Gerard smiled. Didn’t you also earn a small fortune? You hadn’t bought a car when we met back in our 

hometown last year!” 

Gordon sighed and downed down a glass

Then, he confessed the truth with a small grin. I borrowed this car from my supervisor!” 

Maria couldn’t help but burst out in laughter. So it was all an act, wasn’t it?” 

At first, she thought Gordon had earned a healthy amount, so she held back with her snarky remarks. But 

who would have thought that he had borrowed the car

*Gordon, you should own up to your reality if you’re in a tight spot. What’s the use of acting and pretending like you do? Don’t act so prideful. You might mislead your son!Maria said mockingly

Hilda’s cheeks were burning as she glared at Gordon. Gordon could be shameless and forgo his pride if 

he wanted to! But what about her and their son

Gordon touched his nose and laughed

Gerard, is there any way for us to work together? We can go big and grow our wealth together. That way, we’ll be able to shine. The people from our hometown would also stop looking down on us!” 

Gordon, I think you’ve misunderstood something Those people don’t look down on us. They only look down on you!Gerard said with a smile. The disdain in his eyes was strong while he sipped his drink

We are brothers. Can’t you just help me?Gordon said with a shy smile

Your fate is in your own hands!Gerard said calmly. He had no intention of helping Gordon

So Carlisle guessed correctly, didn’t he? You’re just here to gloat, aren’t you?Gordon asked with

forced smile

Carlisle felt uncomfortable as he watched his father’s disheartened state

His father had always been a man of integrity

He always taught him that one can be poor. But one can never give up in life. Moreover, Gordon had 

always said one should help himself rather than ask others for help

But when his family was now in a financially challenging situation, all of his father’s dignity seemed to have disappeared

At that moment, Carlisle swore to himself that he would work hard to earn a large fortune

He would allow his parents to stay in a mansion and drive luxurious cars. He’ll ensure they can raise their 

heads high when they see Gerard and his family

He would also make everyone in their hometown envy his family’s fortune

I’m not here to gloat. I was just hoping that I’ll be able to inspire you!Gerard said with a smile

Hilda could not listen any further. She put down her cutlery and returned to her room

On the other hand, Gordon gulped down his beer

After dinner, Gerard brought his family to a hotel to stay.

Gordon and Carlisle dropped them off at the entrance of their complex

Gerard lit up a cigarette and patted Carlisle’s shoulders

Don’t worry if you can’t get into a university. I have some contacts with a few factories. You always go 

over there to train and gain some experience!” 

Uncle Gerard, you don’t need to worry about me. I’ll definitely be able to enter Riverland University!” 

He had learned to control his emotions well after experiencing too much in his past life

He had been nothing but an incompetent bipolar man, as he had often failed to keep his emotions in check despite having nothing to his name

Do you know that even if you managed to get into Riverland University, you might still fail to make a name for yourself

Have you ever thought about that? Don’t tell me that you believe everyone who goes to university will be able to make it big in the real world.” 

Gerard’s words were slightly controversial. However it was also the truth. Carlisle knew that because he had seen a lot of things in his past life

In other people’s eyes, it was important for their children to further their education

But knowledge could change one’s destiny

As you said, my fate is in my own hands. Hence, no one has a say in how I live my life! So, Uncle Gerard” 

Yes?Gerard! was shocked to hear Carlisle say such words. But when he turned to look at Carlisle, he realized Carlisle was looking directly at him

Have you ever heard the saying of never undervaluing a youth?Carlisle asked with a smile

*So, are you telling me that you’ll make it big in the future? That I should start buttering up to you?” 

The sky’s dark. You should head to the hotel for an early rest. Otherwise, the hotel might not

rooms left!Carlisle smiled impassively as he placed his hands into his pockets


There was no point in engaging in a verbal argument with them. He’ll show them what he was made of 

when he made it big

Gordon also took out a cigarette and inhaled deeply. Then, he said guiltily, Son, I’m sorry for 

embarrassing you and your mother today.” 

Carlisle was five feet eight and almost half a head taller than Gordon

With one hand in his pockets, he put his other arm around his father’s shoulders and said, You were doing it for our family. We’ll pay them back for the humiliation sooner or later!” 

Gordon grinned and faked a solemn expression as he said, Carl, do you understand it now? Incompetent people will only be looked down upon. That’s why you must enter university and become a competent 


Dad, who said you’re incompetent? In the future, I’ll show them how competent and capable my dad is!” 

The father and son chatted happily as they disappeared into the distance under the night.. 

Carlisle put all of his focus on his studies after Gerard and his family left

He would wake up every day at five in the morning. He would then revise for an hour before eating 

breakfast and heading to school

When he came home, he would start his revision immediately after dinner. His study session would last until 11:00pm to 12:00am before showering and heading off to sleep

Hilda was worried about Carlisle. Gordon, do you think your brother’s visit had triggered something 

within Carl? He’s been studying nonstop ever since. Can his body handle it?” 

Gordon sat by the balcony and lit up a cigarette. His voice was heavy as he said, Did you realize that our 

son seems to have become much more mature and sensible lately?” 

Hilda froze as her eyes widened in shock. I think you’re right. I feel he’s been talking and acting like

grownup recently!” 

Hilda seemed to have thought of something as she suddenly shuddered

Her voice trembled slightly as she asked, Do you think something is possessing our son? I’ve heard from one of our neighbors claiming that people who have been possessed would start acting out of the blue!” 

Gordon flicked Hilda’s forehead gently and said, Stop overthinking things. Our son has just grown up!” 

Time passed in the blink of an eye


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