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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 143

Chapter 143 


Lawrence continued explaining his rules and regulations upfront. His sharp gaze made the students avoid eye contact with him

Carlisle sat on the grass and massaged his legs. His pants were a little tighter now

Daniel leaned over and muttered, Carlisle, I didn’t expect you to be in Ecommerce class, too.” 

Carlisle glanced at him and replied, I didn’t expect you to be in Class 2, either.” 

Daniel smirked. What were you up to last night?” 

Surfing the internet.” 

Alright, I thoughtDaniel hesitated. A hint of disappointment flashed through his eyes

What did you think I was doing?Carlisle raised his eyebrows at Daniel. Did he think he was hooking up 

with someone last night

Nothing. Remember to invite me next time you’re pulling an allnighter.” 

Daniel returned to his seat, smiling

Carlisle chuckled before turning to look at Wanda, who was chatting with Christine and Phoebe

Wanda, are you really planning to start a business?Phoebe looked surprised

So, this was how it was to come from a wealthy family? While she was still studying, Wanda was already 

thinking about starting a company

Yes. It isn’t that stressful studying at university, after all. I want to do something meaningful with my 

spare time.” 

Wanda felt someone’s gaze and subconsciously looked toward Carlisle. He was staring at her

As their eyes met, they saw the tenderness in each other’s eyes

Wanda didn’t know what Zachary had done to Carlisle, but she knew someone was monitoring her and Carlisle at university

If they crossed the line, Zachary would definitely harm Carlisle and maybe even his family

To break this deadlock, Carlisle had to prove himself to Zachary

The truth was that Wanda wasn’t confident in Carlisle, so she decided to use her resources and 

connections to start a business and make money

Wanda withdrew her gaze and looked at Phoebe and Christine. She said, Out of everyone in this university, I only trust you two!” 

But you know our family conditions, we can’t help you much!Phoebe sounded a little disappointed

Of course, she wanted to make money, too. She even planned to look for a parttime job nearby after 

Chapter 143 

military training ended to earn some living expenses


But Wanda was thinking about starting a business. Phoebe didn’t have the ability or capital. Wasn’t this going to hold Wanda back

It’s okay, as long as you’re willing to study and work together with me!Wanda sounded sincere

Growing up in a businessoriented family, she knew the importance of trusted allies from an early age

I’m in!Christine nodded fervently

Having had enough of poverty, she was more eager to make money than anyone else. She wanted to show her parents that she could live well without relying on them

about you? Do you want 

Wanda curled her lips as she looked at Phoebe. She then asked, Phoebe, what about you? Do you 

to start a business with me?” 

As long as you don’t mind. Who doesn’t want to make money?Phoebe replied


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