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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 145

Chapter 145 

Okay, I won’t mess around!Wanda replied obediently

She knew what Lethan was concerned about

Many loan companies resorted to hiring unemployed workers for violent debt collections due to difficulties in collecting payments, leading to tragedies in the end

It was true that loan companies could generate fast money, but the risk was also very high. What she needed to do now was to reduce the risks involved


Carlisle, Sunny, and Francis returned to the game studio at 9:00 pm

Heath was having a meeting with the employees

Seeing Carlisle come in, everyone stood up and greeted him

Accustomed to this, Carlisle waved his hand and smiled. Just sit down. There’s no need for such 


Although Carlisle had spoken, Heath didn’t take his seat. The others didn’t dare to take their seats, either. It was evident how the others looked up to Heath

Carlisle sat down with Sunny and Francis by the window. They were chatting among themselves

Only then did Heath and the rest sit down to continue the meeting

Francis took three disposable paper cups. While pouring the water, he asked softly, Boss, is Heath 


Though Carlisle was the boss, everyone in the studio seemed to listen to Heath

Heath had a history, and it was hard to tell whether his character was good or bad. Francis was worried Heath would eventually take over the studio

Carlisle took a sip of water. He smiled lightly. Are you doubting my judgment?” 


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