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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 150

Chapter 150 

A man wearing a mask and a baseball cap dragged a suitcase into a luxurious hotel in the center of 

Riverland City

He approached the front desk to checkin

Why are you wrapped up like that on such a hot day?The receptionist eyed the man warily

The man coughed twice, covering his mouth, and hoarsely replied, I got a cold. I’m afraid of spreading it!” 

The receptionist cautiously stepped back and asked, What kind of room would you like to book?” 

I want the most luxurious room you have!” 

The receptionist looked surprised. Our most luxurious room goes for 200 bucks a day!” 

The man pulled two hundreddollar bills from his pocket and placed them on the counter

The receptionist’s demeanor softened a bit. And we also require 100 bucks as a deposit.” 

Once again, the man handed over a hundred

The receptionist fetched a key from the drawer and handed it to him. Room 888. If you need any service, just call the front desk hotline.” 

The man glanced at the receptionist before heading toward the elevator with the key

The man opened the suitcase inside the luxurious room. Inside was filled to the brim with hundreddollar 


He took off his baseball cap and mask, revealing a dazed expression

Sunny looked at the suitcase full of cash, unable to stop trembling

Four million in cash turned out to fill such a large suitcase

He had a dream since he was a boy. He wanted to lay all the money he earned on his bed and lie down 

once he reached a million

But he gradually gave up on this plan as he started working

His mother fell seriously ill and needed medicine every day

His girlfriend came from a lowincome family, and he had to use a portion of his salary to help improve 

her life

At this rate, how long would it take to earn a million? When would his dream ever come true? 

After receiving the four million check from Carlisle, Sunny had a bold idea. He wanted to withdraw all four million and take photos and videos of it to fulfill his dream


Even though this money wasn’t his, at least he had the chance to actually touch it

Next, Sunny spread the money out on the bed and took out a rented camera to take photos and videos

Finally, he lay on the bed covered with money, closed his eyes, and muttered, If only this money were 


After about half an hour, Sunny slowly opened his eyes and took out his PHS phone to turn it on

There were several missed calls, but Sunny didn’t check who they were from. Instead, he dialed a number 

from his contacts without a name

After a few beeps, someone answered, cursing, Damn, I thought you were backing out!” 


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