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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 153

Chapter 153 

He was helping me.” 

We’ve had conflicts with him before. Yet, he was still willing to help you?Francis asked

Money talks.Carlisle smiled wryly

After a brief silence, Francis lowered his voice and said, Actually, you could develop your own underground influence. Wealthy individuals more or less have such power in this era.” 

Those words struck a chord with Carlisle

He wouldn’t have been involved in these conflicts if he had been studious and obedient in school. But Wanda wasn’t an ordinary person, and he had to endure a lot of pressure if he wanted to be with her

He planned to let Heath manage the game studio first

be rebuilt River 

Once Riverwatch District was developed, he would take over the rebuilt Riverwatch Hotel and let Heath manage it while developing his own influence

He would push himself to the position of Riverland’s underground overlord

Now, it seemed like this move was dragging on

-He would have graduated from university by the time Riverwatch District was developed. Would he need 

to cower in fear at school during this period

When Carlisle returned to the studio, he planned to start reviewing the contracts for the ice rink and 

karaoke with Sunny

As Carlisle examined the contracts at Team Legendary’s department, Heath walked over and placed a cup of coffee on the table. Meanwhile, Francis was smoking with his legs crossed

Sunny stood nervously nearby

The contracts were good, so Carlisle smiled and said, Sunny, you should sit down, too!” 

Sunny swallowed nervously. Boss, I’d like to talk to you alone” 

Francis put out his cigarette and stepped back with Heath

Sunny recounted his actions from earlier that day with his head lowered

After finishing, he earnestly explained, Boss, I never intended to run away with the money. It was just to fulfill a childhood dream. I hope you can trust me!” 

Carlisle sipped his coffee, listening to Sunny’s explanation, Setting down his cup, he looked up and 

smiled. Take a seat. I trust you.” 

YYou really trust me?Sunny looked at Carlisle in disbelief

Chapter 153 

He had anticipated that Carlisle might forgive his actions but hadn’t expected him to trust him so easily

I trust my judgment and intuition. Four million isn’t a small sum, but it’s not huge, either. As long as you stick with me and work hard, you’ll earn more than four million in the future.” 

Carlisle stood up and went to pour another cup of coffee, his demeanor composed

But Sunny didn’t notice these subtleties. He bowed deeply with tears in his eyes. Thank you for trusting 

me, Boss!” 

Carlisle pushed the extra cup of coffee toward Sunny with a wide smile. Alright, sit down and have some 


Sunny admitting to his mistake showed that his character was indeed sound. His explanation also 


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