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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 163

Chapter 163 

Sienna took out her phone and sent a message to Carlisle on MSN messenger

Carlisle, did you just get into a black Mazda?” 

She didn’t get a response from him

Sienna pursed her lips and immediately called Sarah. Just as the call connected, she saw Sarah walking out from the school gate

Sienna waved to her. Sarah, I’m across the street!” 

Sarah wore a pure white offshoulder dress, a Hermes bag released in 2003, and a pair of Gucci crystal sandals. Her appearance drew countless boysattention

Wow, which course is this goddess from?” 

I’ve never seen her before. She must be a freshman, right?” 

She’s so beautiful. Who wants to ask for her phone number or MSN messenger account? I’ll give you a 100 bucks!” 

Stop dreaming, she’s Mr. Gust’s girlfriend!” 

Mr. Gust? Which Mr. Gust?” 

Austin, who else could it be?” 

After Sarah’s makeover, she exuded confidence as she walked, emanating a rich heiressair. Hearing the discussions around her, she curled her lips into a hint of arrogance

Sienna covered her mouth and approached her, trembling as she spoke, Oh my godSarah, it’s only been a few days since we last met, and I almost didn’t recognize you.” 

She had always felt unworthy of being Sarah’s best friend. Now, she felt even more like a country bumpkin

Sarah tilted her chin arrogantly and said, So, do you think I can overshadow Wanda completely now?” 

Sienna nodded repeatedly. Absolutely. Are you really with Austin?” 

Sarah’s face turned slightly red as she shyly nodded

Sienna’s face was full of envy. Your clothes and bag must be very expensive, right?” 

Sarah patted the Hermes bag at her waist. It’s alright. This bag is 12 thousand, and the clothes and shoes 

are around 15 hundred.” 

Sienna’s breath hitched. TThis is too extravagant, isn’t it?” 

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of a horn. Four Mercedes cars sandwiched a Porsche parked by the roadside

Sarah held Sienna’s hand and said, My boyfriend’s here. Come have dinner with us!” 


Sienna followed Sarah into Austin’s Porsche

Even long after the car started moving, Sienna still felt like she was dreaming. She never imagined she would actually ride in a Porsche

She certainly never imagined that her best friend Sarah would marry into a wealthy family

Austin took out two gift boxes from the side. These phones are for you two!” 

They were both Motorola V3 premium editions

Sarah was moved. Her voice trembled as she said, Thank you, Austin!” 


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