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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 166

Chapter 166 

What does that have to do with you?Carlisle’s voice was cold. It was as if he was talking to a stranger

No matter how hard Sarah racked her brain, she couldn’t figure out where Carlisle had obtained five 


She snorted. It must be dirty money. If you’ve done something illegal, I advise you to turn yourself in!” 

Believe whatever you want.Carlisle rolled his eyes, too indifferent to engage further with her

Carlisle, listen to my advice. If you need to confess, just do it. Even if not for yourself, at least consider your parents. They’ve raised you with difficulty

Consider this advice from a former classmate. I’ve said what I need to!Sarah was making it sound as if 

she genuinely cared for Carlisle’s wellbeing

Carlisle sneered. Is me having money bothering you right now?” 

His words seemed to hit Sarah’s nerves. She spared no effort in mocking him

If your money were earned through legitimate means, I would only be happy for you. But your money is 


And even if your money were clean, I wouldn’t be bothered. My boyfriend has much more money than 


Do you see this bag? Do you know this brand? Do you know how much this bag costs

Take a look at my shoes. They cost 800 dollars. Even if you didn’t eat or drink for two months, you couldn’t afford a pair of shoes like mine!” 

Sienna also walked over. Carlisle, Sarah is right. You’d better confess quickly. Confession may lead to a lighter sentence, but resistance will be met with strict punishment

Just be honest and admit it, and you might get a few years off your sentence!” 

Idiot.Carlisle chuckled disdainfully, too lazy to pay attention to the two crazy women

Sarah’s eyes were wild as she picked up her phone to call the police. Are you going to turn yourself in, or should I call the police on you?” 

Carlisle stood with his hands in his pockets, casually saying, Go ahead.” 

Sarah trembled as she was about to dial the emergency number

At that moment, Austin grabbed/Sarah’s hand. Hold off on calling the police. Let me ask the bank


Sarah nodded vigorously, her voice trembling. Yes, please ask him. I’m sure his money is dirty!” 

After the bank manager finished his call, Austin asked, How did Carlisle get that money?” 

Chapter 166 

Well, that’s customer privacy. But I can assure you, Mr. Zahn’s money is clean,the bank manager said 


The money Carlisle had was from a check issued by Islo Clothing. He had already confirmed this with Islo Clothing’s chairman

However, this information was considered customer privacy and couldn’t be disclosed to others

Having offended Carlisle once already, the bank manager didn’t want to provoke him again

Give me the cash!Austin didn’t probe further. It was just fu 


million, and it could also have been 

The bank manager led Austin to withdraw the cash while his staff took Carlisle to another VIP room


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