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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 170

Chapter 170 

Carlisle’s heart raced a bit upon hearing this

Hank was truly a treasure

First, he helped him destroy Zachary’s gear. Then, he developed scripts for threegame hacks.. 

Now, he had brought in computer experts from the internet industry to develop the smartphone system he needed

With talents like Heath and Hank under his command, success seemed almost inevitable

Hank approached Carlisle, grinning widely. His breath smelled of alcohol as he said, We can have the system ready in just one month.” 

So soon?Carlisle’s breath quickened. He had estimated it would take about six months to develop the system, but now Hank suggested they could do it in a month

It seemed he needed to negotiate quickly with the hardware suppliers

Logan scoffed, saying, They’re like a bunch of immortals, never sleeping at night. I suggest getting them more insurance.” 

Hank glanced at Logan. We’re just resting in the office. I don’t like to procrastinate when it comes to 


Are you saying I procrastinate?Logan widened her eyes

I didn’t say that. Are you confessing?” Hank shrugged

YouLogan was about to retort, but then she sighed. It wasn’t worth arguing with someone like Hank

Carlisle noticed the tension between the two, so he smiled and said, Are you guys hungry? Let’s go out for a meal together.” 

I just had instant noodles in the afternoon. You guys go ahead,Hank said before walking toward his 


He doesn’t even respect the chairman. He weighs 100 pounds but has 90 pounds of stubbornness,” 

Logan muttered quietly

Carlisle chuckled softly. Let’s not disturb their work. Let’s go.” 

No boss would dislike such a work attitude

Carlisle couldn’t understand what Hank’s previous companies were thinking. If someone had the skills and capital, drinking at work shouldn’t be a problem, right

But he also felt fortunate they didn’t let it slide. Otherwise, how could he have come across this 


The two walked out of R&D Department One. Carlisle noticed a utility room nearby and asked, Is this 

utility room in use?” 

Not really. If R&D Department One plans to expand the team, they could knock down the wall in the middle,Logan replied. 

No need to knock it down. Let’s turn this utility room into a kitchen and cafeteria. R&D Department Two can have their meals here in the future.” 

R&D Department One’s members were workaholics, always eating instant noodles, which were not nutritious. Their diet naturally had to be improved

Carlisle returned to the chairman’s office and had Logan call in the business supervisor, Kenny


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