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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 172

Chapter 172 

Francis struck up a conversation with someone in the finance department beside him. Hey, beautiful, do your hands cramp up after counting money for so long?” 

The finance beauty rolled her eyes. I’ve done this even longer before and never experienced hand cramps!” 

Then maybe you haven’t counted enough!” 

Hm,The beauty responded indifferently, seeming uninterested in engaging further

Francis persisted. How long have you been doing finance?” 

Three years.” 

Your salary must be pretty high, then.” 

Not really.” 

Do you have a boyfriend?” 


What kind of boyfriend are you looking for? I know” 

Can you please shut up?The beauty suddenly interrupted Francis, her anger evident. This caught the attention of the other staff nearby

Francis instantly became nervous and stuttered, I’m sorry, I” 

Another finance staff rolled their eyes. Come on, we’re counting money here. You’re distracting her, and it’s easy to make mistakes.” 

Francis awkwardly scratched his head. I’ll keep quiet from now on!” 

However, the next moment, the previously angry beauty stared at Francis in surprise and exclaimed, Are you Francis?” 

Francis was stunned, then earnestly examined the woman. Do you know me?” 

The beauty exclaimed, I’m Renee Brown, Rebecca’s younger sister!” 

Francislips twitched slightly. Oh, it’s you!” 

Carlisle interjected, “Do you two know each other?” 

Yeah, he’s my sister’s high school classmate!Renee replied

Renee started blushing after scrutinizing Francis. Francis, you’ve become quite sturdy after serving in the army

Before Francis could respond, she regained her composure and questioned him with a serious expression, When did you retire? Why didn’t you come to see my sister?” 

Chapter 172 


Francis hung his head and smiled bitterly. Your sister is married now. I didn’t want to disturb her life” 

Renee took a deep breath and said, It seems she didn’t tell you anything.” 

Francis looked up at Renee, his gaze sharp

With her eyes slightly red, Renee choked out, My sister has been gone for four years now” 

Franciseyes widened, his emotions uncontrollable as he grabbed Renee’s shoulders. His voice was hoarse. What? Say that again?” 

Tears streaming down her face, Renee explained, My sister was diagnosed with lymphoma in her junior year, and she passed away the following summer.” 

Francis was stunned, his eyes bloodshot, trembling as he muttered, How could this happen? WhyWhy 

didn’t she tell me?” 

At this moment, the finance supervisor frowned and said, Renee, it’s working hours now. Can’t you catch 

up later after work?” 


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