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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 183

Chapter 183 

This wasn’t an unfamiliar scene

The last time Sienna came to school, she saw Carlisle slipping into a brandnew Mazda6

It wasn’t uncommon for older students from welloff families to drive cars like this at this school

After all, one could buy a house in Rainville with 130 thousand dollars. Meanwhile, it would take an average family half a lifetime to save enough money to buy a house

This time, Carlisle had upgraded to a Mercedes

Carlisle was goodlooking, and he was wealthy now. Also, Sarah mentioned that Carlisle and Wanda broke up

Sienna felt something stir in her chest

Sarah didn’t want Carlisle, and Wanda didn’t want him, either

But Sienna could have him

What was Carlisle even pretending to be all high and mighty for? 

Hmph. It’s just a crappy Mercedes anyway. Mr. Gust drives a Porsche! Sienna complained with her nose crinkled, her chest heaving with anger

At that moment, Sarah emerged from the school building. Her presence was, as always, attention- 


Men couldn’t help but stare at her, while women couldn’t help but feel inferior. It was as though the world had turned colorless

EnnaAs Sarah approached Sienna, she couldn’t help but ask when she noticed the latter’s displeasure. Enna, what’s wrong?” 

Sienna huffed. I just saw Carlisle. He completely ignored me when I greeted him!” 

Sarah wore a small smile. He’s just being all high and mighty because he’s a little richer now. Stick with me; we and Carlisle will be in different worlds in the future!” 

Sienna responded with a pout, But he’s driving a Mercedes now, and it’s worth four million dollars” 

However, Sarah wasn’t impressed at all

It’s just a Mercedes. If you like riding in fancy cars, I can take you for a ride in a Porsche every day from 

now on.” 

Sarah.Sienna gratefully held Sarah’s hand. You’re so kind” 

But unfortunately, these things aren’t truly ours, Sarah replied, her eyes narrowed. True talent lies in having something of your own!” 

Chapter 183 

Sienne looked at Sarah in surprise. She hadn’t expected Sarah to consider this

Pursing her lips, she asked, Are you thinking about starting a business to make money?” 

Sarah nodded. I talked to Austin last night. He said he could provide 10 million to support my business.” 

TTen million?” 

Sienna was so shocked that she covered her mouth, her eyes almost popping out of their sockets

To her, who only had a monthly allowance of 500 dollars, this astronomical figure was hard to imagine

Could you stop being so surprised? You’re acting like a bumpkin!Sarah scolded and gave Sienna a disdainful look

But the truth was, Sarah even screamed in her dormitory when she received the news last night. She only calmed down after spending an entire day coming to terms with the information

At this point, her views on money had undergone a huge change


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