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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 209

Chapter 209 

Edward put the check away into his briefcase. He had now visibly perked up

He said with a grin, Let’s continue our conversation. Mr. Zahn, is your new mobile phone still using the previous mobile phone accessories?” 

y new mobile” 

Carlisle was about to respond when there were sudden knocks on the door

Kenny immediately went to open the door. He was greeted by the sight of Hank and Logan

Hank, who already looked slightly thin, had looked increasingly haggard. His eye bags and bloodshot eyes indicated that he had been pulling allnighters for the past few days

Logan entered the office, looking pale

She angrily said, Mr. Zahn, I’ve settled Mr. Scott’s payment. He threatened us by saying he would never let us get our hands on mobile phone chips.” 

This was her first time dealing with a supplier since she started working

Carlisle and Terrence seemed unhappy with each other. Thus, she had anticipated Terrence would terminate their partnership. Still, she did not expect he would be so harsh about it

Even if a deal had fallen through, a businessman should maintain his integrity

Everyone worked in Riverland together, after all. She didn’t think it was necessary to resort to such aggressive tactics

Kenny explained with a concerned expression, Wind Corporation has become a dominant force in the semiconductor industry in Riverland. Within two years, it has already crushed over ten other companies

At the moment, its order volume keeps increasing, which is something to be proud of. If Mr. Scott truly intends to target us, he could even make the other semiconductor companies stop supplying to us.” 

The other suppliers exchanged glances before looking at Carlisle

The mobile phone processor was the equivalent of a human’s brain. Without a processor, a phone could not be manufactured

Thus, they wanted to see how Carlisle would react to the threat

We’ll make our own then!” 

Hank suddenly voiced out at this moment

He continued with a slightly hoarse yet energetic voice, Our mobile phone system is too advanced

There is no chip in this world that could drive our system. Therefore, we can only manufacture our own chips.” 

Logan laughed

Based on Mr. Zahn’s concept, we need chips that are at least five years ahead of the current technology. Looking at the current standard, it’s impossible!” 

The suppliers were utterly confused by their need for chips that were five years ahead of their time. They wondered what kind of mobile phone Carlisle Intended to manufacture

Carlisle leaned against the couch, his hands folded against his abdomen. He narrowed his eyes while becoming lost in thought

Logan had summed up the situation very well

Carlisle had always planned to develop his own SOC chips. But it was not the time to do so

He needed extremely advanced lithography machines to manufacture the chips he had in mind

However, the lithography machines on the current market were still at the micron level

Although he knew what kind of chips would be manufactured in the future and could give ideas, it was still challenging to develop them

Secondly, Carlisle had to consider the lithography machines. Even if he could develop chips within the next four to five years, he did not posess suitable lithography machines for production

There was always the option of building his own lithography machines. The thought amused him

In his previous life, he had only lived until the year 2016. By then, the country had not even developed high- precision lithography machines

He sighed inwardly. Then, he gestured for them to sit


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