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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 214

Chapter 214 

I’ll buy your company for 55 million. Your dad can even remain as the chairman,” Carlisle continued

He meant to use 50 million to purchase the company, with the remaining five million to retain Ryan

As Daniel had said earlier, Terrence had stolen Ryan’s research papers. This proved that Ryan was an 

expert in the semiconductor field

Thus, spending five million dollars to retain a promising expert like Ryan was an excellent deal for Carlisle

Carl, are you sure you’re not joking?” 

Daniel’s voice trembled as his eyes reddened

Carlisle took his phone out and navigated to the bank balance notification. Then, he showed it to Daniel, whose eyes widened at the sight of the ninedigit figure

Certain he was dreaming, Daniel slapped himself. The stinging pain on his face confirmed that he was not

So, Carlisle had over two hundred million worth of assets. Even the wealthiest young man in Riverlands, Yuriel, could not come up with that amount

Seeing Daniel in a daze, Shane became curious about what was displayed on Carlisle’s phone. He peeked over to see, but Carlisle had already put away his phone

Carlisle asked, Do you believe me now?” 

I believe you.” 

Daniel snapped back to reality. His gaze at Carlisle had changed. There was newfound fervor, reverence

and respect. 

Carlisle, if you don’t mind, I’d like you to become my godfather! Daniel joked as he extended his hand

Call your dad and discuss the matter with him first.” 

Carlisle dipped a piece of French fry in mustard before chewing it


Daniel immediately called Ryan. However, the call did not go through

Daniel became anxious

He’d typically immediately answer the call. What’s going on with him today?” 

Carlisle frowned, muttering, Could he be thinking of doing something rash while under too much pressure?” 


Daniel was shocked and took off running out of the restaurant

Carlisle took a wad of bills from his pocket and placed it on the table

Shane, settle the bill. I’m going to check on Daniel!” 

The two of them sped down the stairs. Carlisle then led Daniel to Franciscar

Xenos Factory in Cedarbrook!” 

Daniel frantically gave the company’s location

Francis gripped the steering wheel as he accelerated to the maximum speed. After all, Daniel’s home in Cedarbrook was over 37 miles from Riverlands

It was pitch black at Xenos Factory in Cedarbrook

A shirtless middleaged man sat on the top floor of the eightstory building. Next to him was a nearly empty bottle of liquor and a barely touched plate of braised meat


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